Medical Statistics. David Machin
6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18
26 References (Chapter numbers in square brackets)
27 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Baseline characteristics of participants in a randomised control tr...Table 2.2 Treatment centre for 202 patients with corns who were recruited to ...Table 2.3 Cross‐tabulation of treatment centre by randomised group for 202 pa...Table 2.4 The 16 corn sizes ordered and ranked from smallest to largest.Table 2.5 Calculating the median, quartiles, and interquartile range for the ...Table 2.6 Calculation of the variance and standard deviation for 16 subjects ...Table 2.7 Frequency distribution the size of the corn, in mm, at baseline for...
2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Anatomical site of foot corn of 201 patients with cornsTable 3.2 Cross‐tabulation of anatomical site of corn by gender for 201 patie...Table 3.3 Example of two by two contingency table with a binary outcome and t...Table 3.4 Corn healing rates at three‐months post‐randomisation in patients w...Table 3.5 Seven scenarios with the same NNT but different risks.Table 3.6 Comparison of RR and OR for different baseline rates.Table 3.7 Example of a two by two contingency table with a binary outcome (al...Table 3.8 Risk of an individual dying (D) in one year or developing an advers...Table 3.9 Results of randomised controlled trial in primary care in patients ...
3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Selected probabilities associated with the Normal distribution.
4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Population parameters and sample statistics.Table 5.2 Population parameters of the Normal, Binomial and Poisson distribut...Table 5.3 Population parameters of the Normal, Binomial and Poisson distribut...Table 5.4 Haemorrhoid recurrence rates, in HAL and RBL groups, at 12 months a...Table 5.5 Index corn size, in millimetres, over time by group.
5 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Distance walked, in metres, on an ESWT in (a sample of 13 out of 16...Table 6.2 Relationship between Type I and Type II errors and significance tes...Table 6.3 Population parameters of the Normal and Binomial distributions, the...Table 6.4 Index corn size, in millimetres, over time by group.
6 Chapter 7Table 7.1 VAS pain scores, at baseline and three months, in 30 patients treat...Table 7.2 Computer output for pairedt‐test.Table 7.3 Example computer output for Wilcoxon signed rank test.Table 7.4 PHQ‐9 scores at six‐month post‐randomisation in 39 patients with po...Table 7.5 Computer output from the two independent samplest‐test.Table 7.6 Computer Output for Mann–WhitneyU test.Table 7.7 Self‐reported quality of life, SF‐36 general health, by cancer type...Table 7.8 Computer output from the one‐way ANOVA.Table 7.9 Computer output from the Kruskal–Wallis test.Table 7.10 Computer output from the two independent samplest‐test and Welch t...Table 7.11 Ranked differences in VAS pain scores between baseline and three m...Table 7.12 Ranked PHQ‐9 scores at six‐month post‐randomisation in 39 patients...Table 7.13 Tied PHQ‐9 scores at six‐month post‐randomisation in 28 patients.Table 7.14 One‐way ANOVA table to compareg group means.Table 7.15 Self‐reported, physical functioning scores, in eight patients with...Table 7.16 EQ‐5D VAS score at six‐month post‐randomisation by group in 39 str...
7 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Computer output for the chi‐squared test for the HubBle trial data.Table 8.2 Observed and expected cell counts for the HubBle trial data.Table 8.3 Calculation of the chi‐squared statistic for HubBle trial data.Table 8.4 Haemorrhoid recurrence rates, inHAL (haemorrhoidal artery ligation)...Table 8.5 Airway hyper‐responsiveness (AHR) status before and after stem ce...Table 8.6 Notation for unmatched 2 × 2 table. Number of subjects classified b...Table 8.7 Resolution of diarrhoea associated withC. difficile infection witho...Table 8.8 Tables with more extreme ways of distributing the 12 patients still...Table 8.9 Presence or absence of gingivitis according to mouth rinse schedule...Table 8.10 Contingency tables for calculation of the exact test.Table 8.11 Number of patients examined and the number and proportion with the...
8 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Relationship between sample size and value of correlation coefficie...Table 9.2 Interpretation of the values of the sample estimate of the correlat...Table 9.3 Typical computer output from linear regression model of birthweight...Table 9.4 Output obtained from a multiple regression of birthweight on gestat...Table 9.5 Estimated regression coefficients from the multiple linear regressi...Table 9.6 Statistical methods for relationships between two variables measure...Table 9.7 The distance walked, in metres, on a6 minutes walking test (6MWT) i...Table 9.8 The distance walked, in metres, and ranks of the distance walked in...Table 9.9 Residuals for the linear regression of distance walked (Distanceaft...Table 9.10 Estimated regression coefficients from the multiple linear regress...
9 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Relationship between corn healed status and randomised group in 18...Table 10.2 Output obtained from a logistic regression analysis with outcome v...Table 10.3 Output obtained from a multiple logistic regression analysis with ...Table 10.4 Output obtained from a multiple logistic regression model with out...Table 10.5 Associations between use of stimulant substances and crashes in lo...Table 10.6 Output obtained from a multiple logistic regression model with out...Table 10.7 Contingency table of outcome values in which each cell has individ...Table 10.8 Output from the Hosmer–Lemeshow test from the logistic regression ...Table 10.9 Classification table from logistic regression model using the corn...Table 10.10 Output obtained from a multiple logistic regression model with ou...
10 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Illustration of calculations for the Kaplan–Meier survival curve f...Table 11.2 Illustration of calculations for the logrank