Foundations of Space Dynamics. Ashish Tewari
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Table of Contents
1 Cover
2 Foundations of Space Dynamics
3 Aerospace Series – Recently Published Titles
6 Preface
7 1 Introduction 1.1 Space Flight 1.2 Reference Frames and Time Scales 1.3 Classification of Space Missions Exercises References Note
8 2 Dynamics 2.1 Notation and Basics 2.2 Plane Kinematics 2.3 Newton's Laws 2.4 Particle Dynamics 2.5 The n‐Body Problem 2.6 Dynamics of a Body 2.7 Gravity Field of a Body Exercises References Notes
9 Chapter 3: Keplerian Motion 3.1 The Two‐Body Problem 3.2 Orbital Angular Momentum 3.3 Orbital Energy Integral 3.4 Orbital Eccentricity 3.5 Orbit Equation 3.6 Orbital Velocity and Flight Path Angle 3.7 Perifocal Frame and Lagrange's Coefficients Exercises Notes
10 Chapter 4: Time in Orbit 4.1 Position and Velocity in an Elliptic Orbit 4.2 Solution to Kepler's Equation 4.3 Position and Velocity in a Hyperbolic Orbit 4.4 Position and Velocity in a Parabolic Orbit 4.5 Universal Variable for Keplerian Motion Exercises References
11 5 Orbital Plane 5.1 Rotation Matrix 5.2 Euler Axis and Principal Angle 5.3 Elementary Rotations and Euler Angles 5.4 Euler‐Angle Representation of the Orbital Plane 5.5 Planet‐Fixed Coordinate System
12 6 Orbital Manoeuvres 6.1 Single‐Impulse Orbital Manoeuvres 6.2 Multi‐impulse Orbital Transfer 6.3 Continuous Thrust Manoeuvres Exercises References
13 7 Relative Motion in Orbit 7.1 Hill‐Clohessy‐Wiltshire Equations 7.2 Linear State‐Space Model 7.3 Impulsive Manoeuvres About a Circular Orbit 7.4 Keplerian Relative Motion Exercises
14 8 Lambert's Problem 8.1 Two‐Point Orbital Transfer 8.2 Elliptic Transfer 8.3 Lambert's Theorem 8.4 Solution to Lambert's Problem Exercises References
9 Orbital Perturbations
9.1 Perturbing Acceleration
9.2 Osculating Orbit
9.3 Variation of Parameters