Foundations of Space Dynamics. Ashish Tewari

Foundations of Space Dynamics - Ashish  Tewari

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11.8 The nutation angle, images , and the precession rate, images , in a perturbe...Figure 11.9 The angular‐velocity components, images , in a perturbed spin about th...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Two equal and opposite torque impulses separated by time interva...Figure 12.2 Angular displacement, images , and angular velocity, images , produced by th...Figure 12.3 Two‐impulse, time‐optimal attitude manoeuvre of a rigid, axisymm...Figure 12.4 A control‐moment gyro with spin angular momentum, images , and gimbal ...Figure 12.5 A single‐axis, gyro‐stabilized platform.


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4  Dedication

      5  Preface

      6  Table of Contents

      7  Begin Reading

      8  A Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

      9  B Jacobian Elliptic Functions

      10  Index



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