Foundations of Space Dynamics. Ashish Tewari
alt="images"/>, and its axes are rotating with an instantaneous angular velocity,
Equation (2.21) is an alternative kinematical description of the particle's motion, and can be regarded as being equivalent to that given by Eq. (2.19), which has been differentiated in time according to the chain rule. Equation (2.21) is useful in finding the acceleration of the particle from the position and velocity measured in a moving reference frame. The first two terms on the right‐hand side of Eq. (2.21) represent the net acceleration due to the origin of the moving frame. The term
The application of Newton's second law to the motion of a particle of a fixed mass,
The linear momentum,
Since the particle's mass is constant, the second law of motion given by Eq. (2.22) can alternatively be expressed as follows:
which gives rise to the principle of linear momentum conservation if no force is applied to the particle.
The angular momentum,
By virtue of Eq. (2.24), it is evident that the angular momentum of the particle about o can vary with time, if and only if a torque, defined by
This results in the principle of angular momentum conservation if no torque acts on the particle about o.
The work done on a particle by a force while moving from point A to point B is defined by the following integral of the scalar product of the force,
The application of Newton's second law for the constant mass particle, Eq. (2.22), results in the following expression for the work done:
2.5 The n‐Body Problem
Gravity, being the predominant force in space flight, must be understood before constructing any model for space flight dynamics. Consider two particles of masses,