Probability and Statistical Inference. Robert Bartoszynski

Probability and Statistical Inference - Robert Bartoszynski

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least one field containing images. We may take here the class of all subsets of images: it is a field (as well as a images‐field and monotone class), and it contains all sets in images. Property (2) follows from the fact that the intersection of fields containing images is a field containing images. Property (3) (i.e., uniqueness of images) follows from the fact that the result of the operation of intersection is unique.

      Finally, suppose that there exists a field images containing images such that images. Then images must appear as one of the factors in the intersection defining images so that images. Consequently, images. This completes the proof for the case of fields. The proofs for images‐fields and monotone classes are exactly the same, since an intersection of images‐fields (or monotone classes) containing images is again a images‐field (monotone class) containing images.

      Example 1.21

      In any study of this kind (regardless of its ultimate purpose), the “natural” sample space images is a plane or part of the plane, (the positive quadrant, etc.). The “simple” events here are of the form images, that is, rectangles with sides parallel to the axes. The reason for distinguishing these events as “simple” is that, as will be explained in later chapters, it is often easy to assign probabilities to these events. The reason for the particular configuration of strict and nonstrict inequalities (i.e., north and east side included, south and west side excluded) will also become apparent from the analysis below. To simplify the language, we will call such events Rectangles, and use a capital letter to signify the specific assumption about which sides are included and which are not. Naturally, we will allow for infinite Rectangles, such as images.

Diagram of the complement of a Rectangle, which is a union of at most eight disjoint (infinite) rectangles, whereas the intersection of Rectangles is again a Rectangle (or is empty).

      Similarly, in this example there are other events, which are not in the field generated by Rectangles and which could be considered, such as triangles, rectangles with

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