The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Carol A. Chapelle

The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics - Carol A. Chapelle

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image: © miodrag ignjatovic / Getty Images

      Cover design by Wiley

      Analysis of Context of Language Use

      Anthropological Linguistics

      Heritage Languages and Language Policy

      Intercultural Competence

      Language, Culture, and Context

      Language and Globalization

      Language and Identity

      Language Ideology in the Discourse of Popular Culture

      Language Ideology and Public Discourse


      Linguistic Imperialism

      Analysis of Dialogue

      Analysis of Gender in Interaction

      Conversation Analysis and Affiliation and Alignment

      Conversation Analysis and Child Language Acquisition

      Conversation Analysis and Classroom Interaction

      Conversation Analysis of Computer‐Mediated Interactions

      Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics

      Conversation Analysis and Laughter

      Conversation Analysis Methodology in Second Language Studies

      Conversation Analysis and Second Language Acquisition: CA‐SLA

      Conversation Analysis: Transcriptions and Data

      Corpus Analysis of Business English

      Corpus Analysis in Forensic Linguistics

      Corpus Analysis of Key Words

      Corpus Analysis of Political Language

      Corpus Linguistics: Quantitative Methods

      Critical Analysis of Political Discourse

      Discourse and Identity

      Ethnography of Communication as a Research Perspective

      Frame Analysis

      Intercultural Interaction

      Move Analysis

      Multimodal Interaction Analysis

      Rhetorical Discourse Analysis

      Assessment in the Classroom

      Assessment of Cultural Knowledge

      Assessment of Integrated Skills

      Assessment of the Linguistic Resources of Communication

      Assessment of Pragmatics

      Assessment of Reading

      Assessment of Speaking

      Assessment of Vocabulary

      Assessment of Writing

      Paired and Group Oral Assessment

      Rating Oral Language

      Rating Scales and Rubrics in Language Assessment

      Task‐Based Language Assessment

      Uses of Language Assessments

      Validation of Language Assessments

      Washback in Language Assessment

      Authenticity in the Language Teaching Curriculum

      Classroom Research

      Collaborative Language Learning

      Content‐Based Second/Foreign‐Language Instruction

      Corpus Linguistics in Language Teaching

      Critical Pedagogy in Language Teaching

      Difficulty and Complexity of Language Features and Second Language Instruction

      Form‐Focused Instruction

      Genre‐Based Language Teaching

      History of Language‐Teaching Methods

      Identities and Language Teaching in Classrooms

      Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

      Instructed Second Language Acquisition

      Knowledge Base of Language Teachers

      Language Program Evaluation

      Materials Development

      Needs Analysis

      Non‐Native‐Speaker English Teachers

      Roles for Corrective Feedback in Second Language Instruction

      Study Abroad

      Teaching Culture and Intercultural Competence

      Teaching Reading: Foundations and Practices

      Teaching Speaking

      Teaching Vocabulary

      African Union

      Council of Europe Language Policy and Planning

      English‐Only Movement

      Language Planning: Qin Shihuangdi's Contribution

      Language Policy and Planning: Kemal Atatürk's Contribution

      Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie

      Role of Linguistic Human Rights in Language Policy and Planning

      Russification in the Soviet and Post‐Soviet Era

      English for Academic Purposes

      English for Business

      English for Occupational Purposes

      Genre and Discourse Analysis in Language for Specific Purposes

      Needs Analysis and Syllabus Design for Language for Specific Purposes

      Theses and Dissertations in English for Specific Purposes

      Vocabulary and Language for Specific Purposes

      Writing and Language for Specific Purposes


      Computer‐Assisted Pronunciation Teaching

      Construction Grammar

      Cross‐Cultural Pragmatics

      First Language Vocabulary Acquisition

      Foreign Accent

      Formulaic Language and Collocation

      Formulaic Sequences

      Grammar in Academic Writing

      Grammar and Electronic Communication

      Historical Pragmatics


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