Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists Using MINITAB, R and JMP. Bhisham C. Gupta
Figure 2.4.5 Frequency histogram for survival time of parts under extraneous operating conditions.
Figure 2.4.6 Relative frequency histogram for survival time of parts under extraneous operating conditions.
Another graph that becomes the basis of probability distributions, which we will study in later chapters, is called the frequency polygon or relative frequency polygon depending on which histogram is used to construct this graph. To construct the frequency or relative frequency polygon, first mark the midpoints on the top ends of the rectangles of the corresponding histogram and then simply join these midpoints. Note that classes with zero frequencies at the lower as well as at the upper end of the histogram are included so that we can connect the polygon with the
Quite often a data set consists of a large number of observations that result in a large number of classes of very small widths. In such cases, frequency polygons or relative frequency polygons become smooth curves. Figure 2.4.8 shows one such smooth curve. Such smooth curves, usually called frequency distribution curves, represent the probability distributions of continuous random variables that we study in Chapter c05. Thus, the histograms eventually become the basis for information about the probability distributions from which the sample was obtained.
Figure 2.4.7 Frequency polygon for survival time of parts under extraneous operating conditions.
Figure 2.4.8 Typical frequency distribution curve.
Figure 2.4.9 Three typical types of frequency distribution curves.
The shape of the frequency distribution curve of a data set depends on the shape of its histogram and choice of class or bin size. The shape of a frequency distribution curve can in fact be of any type, but in general, we encounter the three typical types of frequency distribution curves shown in Figure 2.4.9.
We now turn to outlining the various steps needed when using MINITAB and R.
1 Enter the data in column C1.
2 From the Menu bar, select Graph Histogram. This prompts the following dialog box to appear on the screen.
3 From this dialog box, select an appropriate histogram and click OK. This will prompt another dialog box to appear.
4 In this dialog box, enter C1 in the box under the Graph variables and click OK. Then, a histogram graph will appear in the Session window.
5 After creating the histogram, if you want to customize the number of classes (cells or bins), click twice on any bar of the histogram. This prompts another dialog box Edit Bars to appear. In the new dialog box, select Binning. This allows the user to select the desired number of classes, their midpoints or cutpoints.To create a cumulative frequency histogram, take all the steps as previously described. Follow this in the dialog box at Histogram‐Simple, and select Scale Y‐Scale Type. Then, check a circle next to Frequency and a square next to Accumulate values across bins. Click OK. A customized Cumulative Frequency Histogram using MINITAB is as obtained as shown in Figure 2.4.10. Note: To get the exact sample cumulative distribution, we used the manual cutpoints shown in the first column of Table 2.4.3 when Binning.
6 To obtain the frequency polygon in the dialog box Histogram‐Simple, select Data view Data Display, remove the check mark from Bars, and placing a check mark on Symbols. Under the Smoother tab, select Lowess for smoother and change Degree of smoothing to be 0 and Number of steps to be 1. Then, click OK twice. At this juncture, the polygon needs be modified to get the necessary cutpoints. We produced by right clicking on the X‐axis, and selecting the edit X scale. Under the Binning tab for Interval Type, select Cutpoint, and under the Interval Definition, select Midpoint/Cutpoint positions. Now type manually calculated interval cutpoints. Note that one extra lower and one extra upper cutpoint should be included so that we can connect the polygon with the ‐axis as shown in Figure