Electron Transfer. Shunichi Fukuzumi

Electron Transfer - Shunichi Fukuzumi

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region (Figure 3.1). This enables subsequent electron transfer from Fc to ZnP·+ in the triad (Fc–ZnP·+–C60·−) and from ZnP to H2P·+ in ZnP–H2P·+–C60·− to produce the final CS state, Fc+–ZnP–C60·− and ZnP·+–H2P–C60·−, in competition with the back electron transfer in the initial CS states. In the case of Fc+–ZnP–H2P–C60·−, the charges are separated at a long distance (Ree = 48.9 Å) [39]. The lifetime of the resulting CS state at such a long distance in a frozen benzonitrile (PhCN) has been determined as 0.38 seconds [39]. Similar tetrad and pentad compounds were reported to attain long‐lived CS states up to 1.7 seconds [40–42]. It should be noted that the CS lifetime is temperature independent, since the CR process is at the Marcus top region (Figure 3.1) [39]. This is the first example to achieve a CS lifetime that is comparable to that observed for the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center. However, such an extremely long CS lifetime could only be determined in frozen media, since in condensed media bimolecular back electron transfer between two Fc+–ZnP–H2P–C60·− is much faster than the unimolecular CR process [39]. The maximum kET values (kETmax) of dyads, triads, and tetrads in the Marcus plot (Figure 3.2) are correlated with the edge‐to‐edge distance (Ree), separating the radical ions, according to Eq. (3.2) [39]:

      where V0 refers to the maximal electronic coupling element, while β is the decay coefficient factor (damping factor), which depends primarily on the nature of the bridging molecule. From the linear plot of ln kETmax vs. Ree the β value is obtained as 0.60 Å−1 [39]. This β value is located within the boundaries of nonadiabatic electron transfer reactions for saturated hydrocarbon bridges (0.8–1.0 Å−1) and unsaturated phenylene bridges (0.4 Å−1) [43].

Illustration of multistep photo-induced electron transfer in a ferrocene-meso, meso-linked porphyrin trimer–fullerene pentad.

      Source: Imahori et al. 2004 [44]. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons.

Illustration of the formation of a long-lived CS state of a zinc imidazoporphyrin–C60 dyad with a short linkage.

      Source: Kashiwagi et al. 2003 [45]. Reproduced with permission of American Chemical Society.

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