The Power of Plagues. Irwin W. Sherman

The Power of Plagues - Irwin W. Sherman

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infectious only after symptoms appear, and the infection requires that the victim be hospitalized.

      During this time she spread typhoid to 25 doctors, nurses, and staff, 2 of whom died. She was sent again to Rikers Island, where she lived the rest of her life, 23 years, alone in a one-room cottage. During her career as a cook, “Typhoid Mary” probably infected many more than the 50 documented cases, and she surely caused more than 3 deaths. Mary Mallon was not the only human carrier of typhoid. In 1938 when she died, the New York City Health Department noted that there were 237 others living under their observation. She was the only one kept isolated for years, however, and one historian has ascribed this to prejudice toward the Irish and a non-compliant woman who could not accept that unseen and unfelt “bugs” could infect others. Mary Mallon told a newspaper: “I have never had typhoid in my life and have always been healthy. Why should I be banished like a leper and compelled to live in solitary confinement … ?”

      Predicting Plagues

      Recognizing the elements required for a parasite to spread in a population allows for better forecasting of the course a disease may take. Three factors are required for a parasite to spread from host to host: there must be infectious individuals, there must be susceptible individuals, and there must be a means for transmission between the two. Transmission may be by indirect contact involving vectors such as mosquitoes (in malaria and yellow fever) or flies (in sleeping sickness and river blindness) or ticks (in Lyme disease), or it may be by direct contact as it is with measles, influenza, SARS, and tuberculosis, where it is influenced by population density.

      For an infection to persist in a population, each infected individual on average must transmit the infection to at least one other individual. The number of individuals each infected person infects at the beginning of an epidemic is given by the notation R0; this is the basic reproductive ratio of the disease, or, more simply, the multiplier of the disease. The multiplier helps to predict how fast a disease will spread through the population.

      The value for R0 can be visualized by considering the children’s playground game of touch tag. In this game one person is chosen to be “it,” and the objective of the game is for that player to touch another, who in turn also becomes ”it.” From then on each person touched helps to tag others. If no other player is tagged, the game is over, but if more than one other player becomes “it,” then the number of touch taggers multiplies. Thus, if the infected individual (it) successfully transmits the disease (touches another), then the number of diseased individuals (touch taggers) multiplies. In this example the value for R0 is the number of touch taggers that result from being in contact with “it.”

      The longer a person is infectious and the greater the number of contacts that the infectious individual has with those who are uninfected, the greater the value of R0 and the faster the disease will spread. An increase in the population size or in the rate of transmission increases R0, whereas an increase in parasite mortality or a decrease in transmission will reduce the spread of disease in a population. Thus, a change that increases the value of R0 tends to increase the proportion of hosts infected (prevalence) as well as the burden (incidence) of a disease. Usually, as the size of the host population increases, so do disease prevalence and incidence.

      If the value for R0 is >1, then the “seeds” of the infection (i.e., the transmission stages) will lead to an ever-expanding spread of the disease—an epidemic or a plague—but in time, as the pool of susceptible individuals is consumed (like fuel in a fire), the epidemic may eventually burn itself out, leaving the population to await a slow replenishment of new susceptible hosts (providing additional fuel) through birth or immigration. Then a new epidemic may be triggered by the introduction of a new parasite or mutation, or there may be a slow oscillation in the number of infections, eventually leading to a persistent low level of disease. If R0 is <1, though, then each infection produces <1 transmission stage and the parasite cannot establish itself.

      Epidemiologists know that host population density is critical in determining whether a parasite can become established and persist. The threshold value for disease establishment can be obtained by finding the population density for which R0

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