The Power of Plagues. Irwin W. Sherman

The Power of Plagues - Irwin W. Sherman

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and protects the community.”

      The Evolution of Plagues

      “A recurrent problem for all parasites … is how to get from one host to another in a world in which such hosts are never contiguous entities,” wrote the historian William McNeill. He went on: “Prolonged interaction between human host and infectious organisms, carried on across many generations and among suitably numerous populations on each side, creates a pattern of mutual adaptation to survive. A disease organism that kills its host quickly creates a crisis for itself since a new host must somehow be found often enough and soon enough, to keep its chain of generations going.” Based on this view, it would seem obvious that the longer the host lives, the greater the possibility for the parasite to grow, reproduce, and disperse its infective stages to new hosts. The conventional wisdom, therefore, is that the most successful parasites are those that cause the least harm to the host, and over time virulent parasites would tend to become benign.

      A recent reexamination of myxomatosis in Australia shows that the mortality of the rabbits, after the decrease in the virulence of the virus and the increase in rabbit resistance, was comparable to the mortality of most vector-borne diseases of humans, such as malaria. In other words, the virus was hardly becoming benign. Further, the decrease in virulence observed over the first 10 years of the study did not continue, but reversed. It appears that myxomatosis is not an example of benign evolution.

      The view that parasites evolve toward becoming benign suggests that parasites are inefficient if they reproduce so extensively that they leave behind millions of progeny in an ill or dead host. Indeed, some biologists have contended that enhanced virulence is the mark of an ill-adapted parasite or of one recently acquired by the host. This is not true. The number of parasite progeny lost is not of evolutionary significance; rather, it is the number of offspring that pass on their genes to succeeding generations that determines evolutionary success. Natural selection does not favor the best outcome for the greatest number of individuals over the greatest amount of time, but instead favors those characteristics that increase the passing-on of a specific set of genes. Consider a particular species of weed that is growing in your garden. The production of 1,000 seeds that yields only 100 new weed plants might be considered wasteful in terms of seed death and the amount of energy the weed put into seed production, but if the surviving seeds ultimately yield more weed plants in succeeding generations, then that weed species is more efficient in terms of evolutionary success. Parasites are like weeds. They have a high biotic potential, and those that leave the greatest number of offspring in succeeding generations are the winners, evolutionarily speaking. Evolutionary fitness, be it for a parasite, human, bird, or bee, is a measure of the success of the individual in passing on its genes into future generations through survival and reproduction. When the fitness of the host is reduced by a parasite, there is harm, illness, and an increased tendency toward death. Host resistance is the counterbalance to virulence or the degree of harm imposed on the host by the presence of the parasite. If host resistance is lowered, a disease may be more pathogenic although the parasite’s inherent virulence may be unchanged. How negatively a host will be affected, i.e., how severe or how pathogenic is the disease, is thus determined by two components: virulence and host resistance. In addition, virulence is not so much a matter of a particular mutation but rather how that mutation is filtered through the process of natural selection; it is through natural selection that the final outcome may be a lethal outbreak or a mild disease, and, of course, when a new pathogen emerges, R0 must be a number >1.

      If parasite dispersal depends on the mobility of the host as well as host survival, then severe damage inflicted on the host by enhanced virulence could endanger the life of the parasite.

      Consider, for example, the common cold. It would be very much in the interest of the cold virus to avoid making you very sick, since the sicker you become, the more likely you are to stay at home and in bed; this would reduce

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