Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. Zhuming Bi
1.23 can be utilized to choose appropriate contents for our students. The selected course elements are highlighted in Figure 1.23. The covered CAD/CAM theory and methods are illustrated in Figure 1.24 and the corresponding computer aided technologies and tools are accordingly specified in Figure 1.25. The customized CAD/CAM course consists both of the theoretical part in Figure 1.24 and the practical training part in Figure 1.25. To sustain the independence for the selection of course elements in a modularized course framework, the axiomatic design theory has been applied to map the theoretical part in Figure 1.24 to the computer‐aided tools in Figure 1.25 (Bi and Mueller 2016).
Figure 1.23 Selective subjects in a new CAD/CAM course.
Figure 1.24 Selective concepts in the CAD/CAM theory.
Figure 1.25 Selective CAD/CAM tools.
As an introduction to the CAD/CAM course, human designers and computers are compared to clarify the roles of computers for design activities at different design phases of products and systems. The computer applications in engineering are overviewed. The course structure is presented and the main design concepts related to products and manufacturing processes are discussed. Figure 1.26 illustrates the organization of the customized CAD/CAM book. Each of the selected concepts corresponds to a section/chapter in the course. Besides the introduction section, all of the other sections include the laboratories where one functional module of the CAD/CAM software tool is utilized to illustrate the application of computer aided technology to formulate and solve real‐world engineering design problems. The unique features of this course framework include (i) coverage of a broad scope of sub‐disciplines so that the students can understand better the design challenges over the product lifecycles in a minimal class setting, (ii) selection of course elements that is oriented where individual functional modules are available in commercial computer aided software tools to handle the formulated design problems in corresponding disciplines, and (iii) emphasis on the self‐guiding exploration of a comprehensive CAD/CAM software tool, so that students in mechanical or manufacturing engineering are able to formulate multidisciplinary problems and use the correct computer aided tools to solve problems effectively.
Figure 1.26 Customized outline of the CAD/CAM book.
1.9 Summary
Through the discussion in this chapter, we find that the majority of existing CAD/CAM course designs are out of date due to the rapid development of CATs. There is a misalignment between the classification of sub‐disciplines and the types of emerging computer aided tools. To address these two concerns, a new course framework has been presented for Digital Manufacturing. It is unique in the sense that (i) the course topics are defined based on the design needs in product lifecycles, which are likely to be changed over time; (ii) the types of computer aided tools are application‐oriented for manufacturing systems, so that the correspondence of course topics can be readily mapped to existing computer aided tools for training; (iii) the framework is modularized so that educators have flexibility in selecting course subjects to tailor the digital manufacturing teaching needs of their degree programmes; and (iv) emphasis is put on the balance of theoretical knowledge and the skills involved in using CAD/CAM tools, where each course topic corresponds to training in the use of computer aided tools to solve real‐life design problems.
The proposed framework of a Digital Manufacturing course is modularized and expandable. The following chapters cover a limited number of computer aided tools, but the continuous effect of using multiple aspects is expected to broaden the coverage of contemporary computing aided systems.
1.10 Review Questions
1 1.1 Discuss how CAD/CAM helps in modern manufacturing? Elaborate on any one aspect.
2 1.2 What is CAD/CAM?
3 1.3 What are basic elements of a CAD/CAM system?
4 1.4 What are the objectives of using CAD/CAM?
5 1.5 What advantages does the CAD/CAM approach offer in NC programming?
6 1.6 List a number of enabling technologies related to CAD/CAM and discuss their functions.
1 Automobile Newsletter (2012). The 15 top‐producing American car plants.
2 Bhatt, A., and Die, M. (2015). Solid state drives.
3 Bi, Z.M. and Cochran, D. (2014). Big data analytics with applications. Journal of Management Analytics 1 (4): 249–265.
4 Bi, Z.M. and Mueller, D. (2016). Integrating everyday examples in mechanical engineering courses for teaching enhancement. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 44 (1): 16–28.
5 Bi, Z.M. and Zhang, W.J. (2001a). Flexible fixture design and automation: review, issues and future directions. International Journal of Production Research 39 (13): 2867–2894.
6 Bi, Z.M. and Zhang, W.J. (2001b). Modularity technology in manufacturing: taxonomy and issues. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 18 (5): 381–390.
7 Bi, Z.M., Lang, S.Y., and Shen, W. (2008). Reconfigurable manufacturing systems: the state of the art. International Journal of Production Research 46 (4): 967–992.
8 Bi, Z.M., Xu, L.D., and Wang, C. (2014). Internet of Things for enterprise systems of modern manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (2): 1537–1546.
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10 Caudill, L., and Barnhorn, A. (2018). 60 Years of CAD Infographic: the history of CAD since 1957.
11 Cochran, D., Umair, M., and Bi, Z.M. (2016a). Incorporating design improvement with effective evaluation using manufacturing system design decomposition (MSDD). Journal of Industrial Information Integration 2: 65–74.
12 Cochran, D.S., Hendricks, S., Barnes, J., and Bi, Z.M. (2016b). Extension of manufacturing system