Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal
alt="images"/> (compensated accelerometer output) and
Figure 3.6 Gyro error compensation example.
If the input–output function
There are also methods using nonlinear Kalman filtering and auxiliary sensor aiding for tracking and updating compensation parameters that may drift over time.
3.3.4 Inertial Sensor Assembly (ISA) Calibration
The individual sensor input axes within an inertial sensor assembly (ISA) must be aligned to a common reference frame, and this can be combined with sensor‐level calibration of all sensor compensation parameters, as illustrated in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.7 illustrates how input axis misalignments and scale factors at the ISA level affect sensor outputs, in terms of how they are related to the linear input–output model,
Figure 3.7 Directions of modeled sensor cluster errors. ISA Calibration Parameters
The parameters
The purpose of calibration is sensor compensation, which is essentially inverting the input‐output of Equation 3.1 to obtain
the sensor inputs compensated for scale factor, misalignment, and bias errors.
This result can be generalized for a cluster of
In this case, calibration amounts to estimating the values of
The full set of input–output pairs under
in the
provided that the matrix
The values of
Estimation of the calibration parameters can also be done using Kalman filtering, a by‐product of which would be the covariance matrix of calibration parameter uncertainty. This covariance matrix is also useful in modeling system‐level