Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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systems are important for representing vehicle attitudes, for resolving inertial sensor outputs into inertial navigation coordinates, and for GNSS/INS integration. Methods used for representing and implementing coordinate transformations are also presented in Section B.4.

      3.4.3 Earth Rotation Model

      The value of earthrate in the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) Earth model is images rad/s, or about 15.04109 deg/h. This is its sidereal rotation rate with respect to distant stars. Its mean rotation rate with respect to the nearest star (our Sun), as viewed from the rotating Earth, is 15 deg/h, averaged over one year.

      3.4.4 Gravity Models

      Because an INS operates in a world with gravitational accelerations it is unable to sense and unable to ignore, it must use a reasonably faithful model of gravity.

      Gravity models for the Earth include centrifugal acceleration due to rotation of the Earth as well as true gravitational accelerations due to the mass distribution of the Earth, but they do not generally include oscillatory effects such as tidal variations. Gravitational Potential

      Gravitational potential of a unit of mass is defined to be zero at a point infinitely distant from all massive bodies and to decrease toward massive bodies such as the Earth. That is, a point at infinity is the reference point for gravitational potential. Gravitational Acceleration

      Gravitational acceleration is the negative gradient of gravitational potential. Potential is a scalar function, and its gradient is a vector. Because gravitational potential increases with altitude, its gradient points upward and the negative gradient points downward. Equipotential Surfaces

      An equipotential surface is a surface of constant gravitational potential. If the ocean and atmosphere were not moving, then the surface of the ocean at static equilibrium would be an equipotential surface. Mean sea level is a theoretical equipotential surface obtained by time‐averaging the dynamic effects. Orthometric altitude is measured along the (curved) plumbline.

       WGS84 Ellipsoid

      The WGS84 Earth model approximates mean sea level (an equipotential surface) by an ellipsoid of revolution with its rotation axis coincident with the rotation axis of the Earth, its center at the center of mass of the Earth, and its prime meridian through Greenwich. Its semimajor axis (equatorial radius) is defined to be 6 378 137 m, and its semiminor axis (polar radius) is defined to be 6 356 752.3142 m.

       Geoid Models

      Geoids are approximations of mean sea‐level orthometric height with respect to a reference ellipsoid. Geoids are defined by additional higher‐order shapes, commonly modeled by spherical harmonics of height deviations from an ellipsoid, as illustrated in Figure 3.8. There are many geoid models based on different data, but the more recent, most accurate models depend heavily on GPS data. Geoid heights deviate from reference ellipsoids by tens of meters, typically. Longitude and Latitude Rates

      The second integral of acceleration in locally level coordinates should result in the estimated vehicle position. This integral is somewhat less than straightforward when longitude and latitude are the preferred horizontal location variables.

Illustration of equipotential geodetic coordinates based on reference geoid, where geodetic latitude, is defined as the angle between the equatorial plane and the local vertical.

      The rates at which these angular coordinates change as the vehicle moves tangent to the surface will depend upon the radius of curvature of the reference surface model. Radius of curvature can depend on the direction of travel, and for an ellipsoidal model there is one radius of curvature for north–south motion and another radius of curvature for east–west motion.

       Meridional Radius of Curvature

Contour plot depicting WGS84 geoid heights, where coarse 20-meter contour intervals are plotted versus longitude and latitude, with geoid regions above the ellipsoid, shaded.