Fundamentals of Heat Engines. Jamil Ghojel

Fundamentals of Heat Engines - Jamil Ghojel

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href="#ulink_0abc511a-de01-56ec-af75-0646588e2f1f">Figure 1.5 Angular momentum of a rigid body.

      The angular momentum of a rigid body about any axis remains constant, unless an external torque about the same axis is applied. This is known as the law of conservation of angular momentum.

      1.1.9 Rotational Work, Power, and Kinetic Energy

      If a rigid body rotates through incremental angle under the action of constant torque T, the incremental rotational work will be


      And the rotational power is

      Power produced by heat engines is always rotational; hence, subscript r will be dropped henceforward. If the angular velocity of the engine shaft is expressed in terms of rotational speed N in revolutions per minute (rpm), Eq. (1.21) can be rewritten as

      The SI unit of power is the watt (W), but the old unit of horsepower (HP) is still widely used, where 1 HP ≡ 0.746 kW.

      The kinetic energy of a particle of mass dm (Figure 1.5) is 1/2dm(ωl)2, and the total kinetic energy (KE) for the whole rigid body having a constant angular velocity is


      Making use of Eq. (1.19), we can write


       s, v, and a: linear displacement, velocity, and acceleration

       θ, ω, and α: angular displacement, velocity, and acceleration.

       Subscripts i and f denote initial and final, respectively.

Linear Rotational
s = vit + at2/2 θ = θit + αt2/2
vf = vi + at θf = θi + αt
s = (vi + Vf)t/2 θ = (ωi + ωf)t/2
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      1.2.1 Fluid Properties Mass and Weight

      Weight is the force with which a body of the fluid is attracted towards the earth by gravity:


      Density is the amount of mass per unit volume:


      Specific weight is the weight of a unit volume of a substance:


      Specific gravity is


      where subscripts f and w are for fluid and water, respectively.

equation equation Pressure

      Pressure is the force exerted by a fluid on a unit area of its surroundings:


      Pressure acts perpendicular to the walls of the container surrounding the fluid. A column of fluid of height h m having a cross sectional area of A m2 and density ρ kg/m3 will exert a pressure of

equation Compressibility

      Compressibility is the change in volume of a substance when subjected to a change in pressure exerted on it. The usual parameter used to measure compressibility of liquids is the bulk modulus of elasticity E:


      The compressibility of a gas at constant temperature is defined as


      For a perfect gas:

equation Viscosity

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