Fundamentals of Heat Engines. Jamil Ghojel
6Table 6.1 Operating and performance parameters of the dual‐combustion air‐standa...Table 6.2 Double Wiebe parameter values.
5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Data for calculations of forces on piston and crank pin.Table 7.2 Effect of the number of cylinders on the torque uniformity factor and ...
6 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Examples of engine test standards.Table 8.2 Constants for the empirical Eq. 8.34.Table 8.3 Constants for the empirical Eq. 8.35.Table 8.4 Constants for the empirical Eq. 8.36.Table 8.5 Constant coefficients for Eq. (8.41) (SI engine).Table 8.6 Constant coefficients for Eq. (8.42) (CI engine).Table 8.7 CI engine fuel rate map.
7 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Comparison of all theoretical cycles (a = 6, rc = 20...
8 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Comparison of all irreversible cycles (a = 6, rc = 20...
9 Chapter 11Table 11.1 The values of coefficientBn in Eq. (11.1). Table 11.2 Flammability limits for some hydrocarbon fuels at standard atmospheri...Table 11.3 Coefficients of polynomial (11.8) for the enthalpies of the gaseous p...Table 11.4 Coefficients of Eq. (11.9a) for different types of hydrocarbon fuels ...Table 11.5 The coefficients for Eqs. (11.17a) and (11.17b) for dodecene (C12H24)...Table 11.6 Spreadsheet solution for Method 2.Table 11.7 Coefficients for Eq. (11.18) for dodecene combustion without dissocia...Table 11.8 Effect of calculation method on the value of the predicted combustion...Table 11.9 Coefficients for Eq. (11.18) for dodecene combustion with dissociatio...Table 11.10 Effect of dissociation on the combustion temperature of dodecene (T2...
10 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Data for the calculation of the turbojet engine performance character...Table 12.2 Operating conditions for variable flight Mach numbers at constantT4t ...Table 12.3 Operating conditions atT4t = 1757 K for variable altitude at M1 = 0.8...Table 12.4 Station numbering in the unmixed‐flow turbofan engine.Table 12.5 Data for the calculation of the turbofan engine performance character...Table 12.6 Station numbering in the simple mixed‐flow turbofan engine.Table 12.7 Data for the calculation of the mixed‐flow turbofan engine performanc...
11 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Data for design point calculations for single‐shaft gas turbineλTable 13.2 Data for design point calculations for a single‐shaft gas turbineT3 =...
12 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Designation of non‐dimensional parameters for different gas‐turbine e...
13 Appendix ATable A.1 Specific heat at constant pressureCp as per the correlations in Table ...Table A.2 Internal energyUT as per the correlations in Table 2.7 (enthalpy refer...Table A.3 Enthalpy changeΔHT = H − H0(Tref)Table A.4 Absolute entropyso as per the correlations in Table 1.3 (reference pre...Table A.5 Equilibrium constant
14 Appendix BTable B.1 Unbalanced inertial forces and moments in four‐stroke inline engines...Table B.2 Unbalanced inertial forces and moments in two‐stroke inline engines.Table B.3 Unbalanced inertial forces and moments in four‐stroke V‐engines.Table B.4 Unbalanced inertial forces and moments in two‐stroke V‐engines.
15 Appendix CTable C.1 Engine and fuel specifications.Table C.2 Assumed data.Table C.3 Calculated engine speed characteristics.
16 Appendix DTable D.1 Thermal efficiency and specific output work for the ideal air‐standard...Table D.2 Thermal efficiency and specific output work for the irreversible air‐s...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Non‐uniform circular motion in Cartesian coordinates: (a) initial p...Figure 1.2 Rigid‐body rotational motion.Figure 1.3 Definitions of moment, couple, and torque.Figure 1.4 Kinetics of rotating shaft: (a) accelerating shaft; (b) deceleratin...Figure 1.5 Angular momentum of a rigid body.Figure 1.6 Fluid flow through a control volume.Figure 1.7 Schematic diagram of a thermodynamic system.Figure 1.8 Application of process equations in theoretical cycles: (a) Diesel ...Figure 1.9 Sign convention for heat and work.Figure 1.10 Steady‐state, steady‐flow control volume.Figure 1.11 Schematic diagrams of a (a) nozzle; (b) diffuser.Figure 1.12 The reciprocating internal combustion engine as a steady‐flow syst...Figure 1.13 Schematic diagram of a turbine.Figure 1.14 Schematic diagram of air compressor.Figure 1.15 Schematic arrangements of a (a) heat engine; (b) heat pump or refr...Figure 1.16 Ideal Carnot engine cycle in (a) p‐V and (b) T‐s coordinate system...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Relative air‐fuel ratio as a function of power output.Figure 2.2 Coefficient of molar change versus relative air‐fuel ratio for some...Figure 2.3 U‐T diagram of the non‐flow combustion process.Figure 2.4 Steady‐state, steady‐flow combustion process without change of stat...Figure 2.5 Schematic diagram of the steady‐flow system with chemical reactions...Figure 2.6 H‐T diagram of the steady‐state, steady‐flow combustion process.Figure 2.7 H‐T diagram of the steady‐state combustion process for different in...Figure 2.8 Adiabatic flame temperature of octane (C8H18) as a function of λ an...Figure 2.9 Constant‐volume process in a U‐T diagram.Figure 2.10 Otto cycle with inlet conditions at the reference point T0 and p0.Figure 2.11 Criteria for chemical equilibrium.Figure 2.12 Frozen composition of the combustion products of octane (C8H18).Figure 2.13 Equilibrium composition for the combustion of octane (C8H18) (six ...Figure 2.14 Equilibrium composition for the combustion of octane (C8H18) (11 s...Figure 2.15 Equilibrium composition for the combustion of octane (C8H18) in ai...Figure 2.16 Effect of dissociation on the adiabatic flame temperature of isooc...Figure 2.17 Effect of mixture pressure on the AFT of liquid octane (C8H18, λ =...Figure 2.18 Effect of initial mixture temperature on AFT of liquid octane (C8H...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 First law representation of the heat engine.Figure 3.2 The generalised cycle in (a) p − V and (b) T − s...Figure 3.3 T − s diagram of the generalised cycle (a) spec...Figure 3.4 The Otto cycle in p − V (a) and T − s...Figure 3.5 Thermal efficiency of the Otto cycle as a function of compression r...Figure 3.6 Mean effective pressure of the Otto cycle as a function of compress...Figure 3.7 Mean effective pressure of the Otto cycle as a function