Fundamentals of Heat Engines. Jamil Ghojel

Fundamentals of Heat Engines - Jamil Ghojel

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reheat, and intercooling: (a) engine lay...Figure 9.17 Cycle with heat exchange, reheat, and intercooling: (a) thermal ef...Figure 9.18 Comparison of all theoretical cycles.Figure 9.19 Comparison of all theoretical cycles (a = 5, rc = va...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Irreversible cycle of a single‐shaft gas turbine: (a) engine schem...Figure 10.2 Isentropic and irreversible compression processes in a compressor.Figure 10.3 Isentropic and irreversible expansion processes in a turbine.Figure 10.4 Infinitely small multistage compression.Figure 10.5 Variation of compressor isentropic efficiency with the compressor ...Figure 10.6 Infinitely small multistage expansion.Figure 10.7 Variation of turbine isentropic efficiency with the turbine pressu...Figure 10.8 The simple air‐standard irreversible cycle.Figure 10.9 Comparison of air‐standard cycles with and without losses (a = 5...Figure 10.10 Irreversible cycle with pressure losses and irreversibilities acc...Figure 10.11 Work components, input heat, and efficiency of the irreversible s...Figure 10.12 Irreversible cycle with heat exchange: (a) engine schematic; (b) ...Figure 10.13 Irreversible cycle with heat exchange: (a) thermal efficiency; (b...Figure 10.14 Effect of heat‐exchanger effectiveness ε on the thermal effi...Figure 10.15 Irreversible cycle with reheat and losses in the compressor, turb...Figure 10.16 Irreversible cycle with reheat: (a) thermal efficiency; (b) outpu...Figure 10.17 Irreversible cycle with intercooling: (a) engine schematic, (b) c...Figure 10.18 Irreversible cycle with intercooling: (a) thermal efficiency; (b)...Figure 10.19 Irreversible cycle with heat exchange and reheat: (a) engine sche...Figure 10.20 Irreversible cycle with heat exchange and reheat: (a) thermal eff...Figure 10.21 Irreversible cycle with heat exchange and intercooling: (a) engin...Figure 10.22 Irreversible cycle with heat exchange and intercooling: (a) therm...Figure 10.23 Irreversible cycle with heat exchange, reheat, and intercooling: ...Figure 10.24 Irreversible cycle with heat exchange, reheat, and intercooling: ...Figure 10.25 Comparison of irreversible cycles (a = 6, rc = 20).Figure 10.26 Thermal efficiency of irreversible cycles compared with the Brayt...Figure 10.27 Specific output work of irreversible cycles compared with the sim...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Basis for design‐point calculations of the single‐shaft gas turbin...Figure 11.2 Molar specific heat of air at constant pressure and ratio of speci...Figure 11.3 Combustion chamber for a stationary gas turbine: 1 – swirl vanes; ...Figure 11.4 Annular combustion chamber in a turbojet engine.Figure 11.5 Ratio of specific heats of the combustion products of kerosene (C1...Figure 11.6 Combustion system in gas turbines.Figure 11.7 3‐D graphical representation of the enthalpy of the products of co...Figure 11.8 3‐D graphical representation of Eq. (11.18) for dodecene.Figure 11.9 Combustion temperature chart: combustion temperature versus relati...Figure 11.10 Combustion temperature chart: combustion temperature versus equiv...Figure 11.11 Combustion temperature chart: combustion temperature versus fuel/...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Plots of ISA pressure, temperature, and density of air versus alti...Figure 12.2 Schematic diagram of a turbojet engine.Figure 12.3 Stagnation temperature and pressure at an altitude of 10 000 m as ...Figure 12.4 Simple turbojet engine cycle with Ts diagram.Figure 12.5 Variation of temperature T and pressure p in the simple turbojet e...Figure 12.6 Variation of specific heat cp and ratio of specific heats γ in the...Figure 12.7 Specific thrust of the turbojet engine at H = 10 000 m, compressor...Figure 12.9 Propulsive efficiency of the turbojet engine for different turbine...Figure 12.10 Performance map in terms of sfc vs. specific thrust for the turbo...Figure 12.11 Performance map in terms of ηp vs. specific thrust for the t...Figure 12.12 3‐D surface plot of the performance of the simple turbojet engine...Figure 12.13 Specific thrust of the turbojet engine vs. compressor pressure ra...Figure 12.14 Specific fuel consumption of the turbojet engine vs. compressor p...Figure 12.15 Propulsive efficiency of the turbojet engine vs. compressor press...Figure 12.16 Specific thrust and specific fuel consumption vs. flight Mach num...Figure 12.17 Specific thrust of the turbojet engine vs. compressor pressure ra...Figure 12.18 Specific fuel consumption of the turbojet engine vs. compressor p...Figure 12.19 Specific fuel consumption of the turbojet engine vs. compressor p...Figure 12.20 Propulsive efficiency of the turbojet engine vs. compressor press...Figure 12.21 Configuration of a simple unmixed‐flow turbofan engine with separ...Figure 12.22 Two‐spool (a) and three‐spool (b) unmixed‐flow turbofan engine co...Figure 12.23 T‐s diagrams of the processes in the core engine of the two‐spool...Figure 12.24 T‐s diagrams of the processes in the bypass section of two‐spool,...Figure 12.25 Temperature and pressure profiles in the turbofan engine (H = 10 ...Figure 12.26 Mean specific heats and ratios of specific heats across different...Figure 12.27 Specific thrust vs. compressor pressure ratio of the turbofan eng...Figure 12.29 Propulsive efficiency vs. compressor pressure ratio of the turbof...Figure 12.30 Specific thrust and specific fuel consumption versus the bypass r...Figure 12.31 Performance map in terms of sfc vs. specific thrust for the turbo...Figure 12.32 Performance map in terms of sfc vs. specific thrust for the high‐...Figure 12.33 3‐D surface plot of the performance of the turbofan engine (H = 1...Figure 12.34 Relative thrust and specific fuel consumption versus bypass ratio...Figure 12.35 Specific thrust and specific fuel consumption vs. fan pressure ra...Figure 12.36 Configuration of a simple mixed‐flow turbofan engine: D – diffuse...Figure 12.37 Schematic T‐s diagram for the mixed‐flow turbofan engine.Figure 12.38 T‐s diagram of the processes in the diffuser, core engine, mixer,...Figure 12.39 T‐s diagram of the processes in the diffuser, fan, and cold jet t...Figure 12.40 Effect of the fan‐root pressure ratio and overall pressure ratio ...Figure 12.41 Temperature and pressure profiles in the engine (H = 10 675 m, M1Figure 12.42 Profiles of the specific heat and ratio of specific heats (H = 10...Figure 12.43 Specific thrust and specific fuel consumption of the mixed‐flow t...Figure 12.44 Effect of the overall compression pressure ratio on the T‐s diagr...Figure 12.45 Thermal, propulsive, and overall efficiencies of the mixed‐flow t...

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Single‐shaft industrial gas turbine engine: (a) engine schematic; ...Figure 13.2 T‐s diagrams of the simple cycle for λ = 4 at different pressure r...Figure 13.3 Performance characteristics of single‐shaft gas turbine versus com...Figure 13.4 Performance map for the single‐shaft gas turbine: sfc vs. specific...Figure 13.5 Performance map for the single‐shaft gas turbine: ηth vs. spe...Figure 13.6 T‐s diagrams of the simple cycle for T3 = 1490 K at different pres...Figure 13.7 Performance characteristics of a single‐shaft gas turbine vs. comp...Figure 13.8 Performance map for the single‐shaft gas turbine: specific fuel co...Figure 13.9 Performance map for the single‐shaft gas turbine: ηth vs. spe...Figure 13.10 3‐D surface plot of the specific fuel consumption as a function o...Figure 13.11 Thermal efficiencies of the irreversible air‐standard and practic...Figure 13.12 Output work of the irreversible air‐standard and practical (desig...Figure 13.13 Two‐shaft gas turbine cycle: (a) engine schematic; (b) T‐s diagra...Figure 13.14 T‐s diagrams of the two‐shaft practical gas turbine cycle for λ =...Figure 13.15 Calculated performance characteristics of the two‐shaft gas turbi...Figure 13.16 Performance map for the two‐shaft gas turbine: specific fuel cons...Figure 13.17 T‐s diagrams of the practical two‐shaft gas turbine cycle for T3 ...Figure 13.18 Calculated performance characteristics of the two‐shaft gas turbi...Figure 13.19 Performance map for the two‐shaft gas turbine: specific fuel cons...Figure 13.20 Performance map for the two‐shaft gas turbine: efficiency vs. spe...

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 2‐D and 3‐D representation of rotor and stator blades and variatio...Figure 14.2 Velocity diagrams of air flow in an axial compressor stage.Figure 14.3 Combined velocity diagrams of flow in and out of rotor blades: (a)...Figure 14.4 Symmetrical velocity diagram of an axial compressor stage with 50%...Figure 14.5 Compressor performance map on a single pair of coordinates.Figure 14.6 Typical axial‐compressor characteristics.Figure 14.7 Radial‐flow compressor with a single‐sided impeller and diverging ...Figure 14.8 Radial compressor diffuser with tangential diverging passages.Figure 14.9 Schematic of radial compressor characteristics.Figure 14.10 Schematic diagrams of an axial‐flow reaction turbine stage.Figure 14.11 Velocity diagrams of an axial reaction turbine stage.Figure 14.12 Superimposed velocity diagrams of the flow through the rotor: (a)...Figure 14.13 Reaction turbine with two stages.Figure 14.14 Fluid flow passage in moving blades at exit w – blade width, p – ...Figure

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