Secondary Metabolites of Medicinal Plants. Bharat Singh

Secondary Metabolites of Medicinal Plants - Bharat Singh

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was isolated for the first time from MeOH extract of the leaves of Acacia sieberiana (Abdelhady 2013) and demonstrated antioxidant activity (Sowndhararajan et al. 2015). Three pentacyclic triterpenoids as (20R)-3-oxolupan-30-al, (20S)-3-oxolupan-30-al, and (20R)-28-hydroxylupen-30-al-3-one along with (20S)-3β-hydroxylupan-30-al, 30-hydroxylup-20-(29)-en-3-one, 30-hydroxylup-20-(29)-en-3β-ol, atranorin, methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-3,6-dimethyl benzoate, sitosterol-3β-O-glucoside, and linoleic acid were isolated from Acacia mellifera (Mutai et al. 2007). Two new diterpenes, (13E)-labd-13-ene-3β,8α,15-triol and (13E)-3β,8α-dihydroxylabd-13-en-15-oic acid sclareol, 13-epi-sclareol, and (13E)-labd-13-ene-8α,15-diol were also isolated from Acacia sp. (Forster et al. 1985). The triacontanol, β-sitosterol palmitate, β-sitosterol, squalene, norphytane, nonaprenol, lupenone, lupeol, daphnetin, catechin, epigallocatechin, eriodictyol, β-sitosteryl-β-D-glucopyranoside, and stigmasteryl-β-D-glucopyranoside were isolated from Acacia pennatula (Rios 2005). A yellow pigment as chalcononaringenin 2′-[O-rhamnosyl-(1→4)-xyloside] has been isolated from flowers of Acacia dealbata (Imperato 1982). The gallic acid, tannic acid, catechin, catechol, m-hydroxybenzoic acid, leucocyanidin, and ellagic acid were isolated from Acacia species (Elgailani and Ishak 2016).

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