Transparent Ceramics. Adrian Goldstein

Transparent Ceramics - Adrian Goldstein

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sintering under 1 atm. of air a-SiO2 (or other amorphous silica chemical compound) Vol%, atm.% or mol % volume, atomic or molar percentage wt.% weight percentage B magnetic induction (or magnetic flux density) [T (=104 G (the gauss (G) is used in (cgs system)))] BD bulk density (g/cm3 or % of TD) BD f fired state density BD g green-body density BET Brunauer–Emmett–Teller c cubic lattice CAD computer-assisted design CAM computer-assisted machining CCT correlated color temperature CF crystal field CFT crystal field theory (used for electronic spectra interpretation) CIE commission int. de l`èclairage CRI color rendition index CVD chemical vapor deposition CW continuous wave laser D 0 ionic diffusion coefficient at standard temperature [cm2 or m2/s] D 50 median particles size in a distribution D BET equivalent particle diameter [nm] as calculated by BET method DTA derivatographic thermal analysis E Young modulus [GPa] EDS (EDX) energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (for elemental chemical analysis) EFG edge defined film fed growth (technique for crystals growth) EMPA electron microscope probe elemental analysis EMR electromagnetic radiation EO electro-optic EPR electron paramagnetic resonance ESR electron spin resonance FEA finite element analysis FIR far infrared subdomain (15–1000 μm) FOG (or FOX) fluoro-oxide glass GB grain boundaries GS grain size GSM maximal GS GSm minimal GS H magnetic field strength [A/m; Oe (in cgs system)] h Planck's constant HAADF high angle annular dark field imaging HIP hot isostatic pressing HK hardness measured with the Knoop indenter HP hot pressing HR-SEM high resolution SEM HR-TEM high resolution TEM HV hardness measured with the Vickers indenter IR infrared domain of the spectrum k or kB Boltzmann's constant k wave vector (magnitude is the wave number) K Ic [MPa m0.5] LCD liquid crystal display LED light-emitting diode LF ligand field LFT crystal field theory improved by consideration of covalency m monoclinic M b grain-boundaries migration rate in pore-free matrix MIR middle domain of IR (2.5–15 μm) MW microwaves (EMR of wavelength 1 mm to ∼3 dm) N C critical coordination number, in particles, of pores NIR near infrared subdomain of the IR (0.75–2.5 μm) NUV near ultraviolet subdomain (300–380 nm) OLED organic light emitting diode op open porosity (%) OPA optical parameter amplifier OPA–CPA amplifier based on chirped pulse amplification PCA polycrystalline (ceramic) alumina PECS pulsed electric
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