Transparent Ceramics. Adrian Goldstein

Transparent Ceramics - Adrian Goldstein

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Foreword

      3  Acknowledgments

      4  General Abbreviations

      5  1 Introduction 1.1 Importance of Transparent Ceramics: The Book's Rationale Topic and Aims 1.2 Factors Determining the Overall Worth of Transparent Ceramics 1.3 Spectral Domain for Ceramics High Transmission Targeted in This Book 1.4 Definition of Transparency Levels 1.5 Evolution of Transmissive Ability Along the Ceramics Development History

      6  2 Electromagnetic Radiation: Interaction with Matter 2.1 Electromagnetic Radiation: Phenomenology and Characterizing Parameters 2.2 Interference and Polarization 2.3 Main Processes which Disturb Electromagnetic Radiation After Incidence on a Solid 2.4 Physical Processes Controlling Light Absorption in the Optical Window Vicinity 2.5 Thermal Emissivity 2.6 Color of Solids

      7  3 Ceramics Engineering: Aspects Specific to Those Transparent 3.1 Processing 3.2 Characterization

      8  4 Materials and Their Processing 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Principal Materials Description

      9  5 TC Applications 5.1 General Aspects 5.2 Brief Description of Main Applications

      10  6 Future Developments

      11  7 Conclusions

      12  References

      13  Index

      14  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Terms derived fromd q electronic configurations.Table 2.2 Terms derived from f q electronic configurations.Table 2.3 Racah's energies for alld q and a few relevant f q configurations.Table 2.4 Empiric B and C Constants for different representative 3d q configura...Table 2.5 Empiric B , C , and D Racah Constants for different representative fre...Table 2.6 Correlation table among atomic and ionic states' wave functions inO...Table 2.7 Correlation table among atomic and ionic states' wave-function spec...Table 2.8 Color data of individual spinel samples obtained from transmission ...

      2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Comments on particle size distribution records by different light s...

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Nonoptical properties of selected transparent ceramics.Table 4.2 Optical properties of selected transparent ceramics.Table 4.3 Characteristics of spinel/LiF (0–3.5%) discs (diameter = 58 mm) aft...Table 4.4 Main properties of transparent spinel ceramics.Table 4.5 Frequency of spinel lattice fundamental vibrations.Table 4.6 Properties of AlON ceramics.Table 4.7 Properties of alumina ceramics.Table 4.8 Properties of MgO ceramics.Table 4.9 Properties of YAG ceramics.Table 4.10 Properties of Y2O3 ceramics.Table 4.11 Most frequent oxide impurities present in zirconia powders.Table 4.12 Properties of zirconia ceramics.Table 4.13 The density of a few types of zirconia ceramic.Table 4.14 Space group (for cubic lattices, also the “a” values are given) me...Table 4.15 Properties of ZnS and ZnSe ceramics.Table 4.16 PLZT general properties.Table 4.17 Electro-optic properties of PLZT; comparison with other ferroelect...Table 4.18 Electro-optic properties of PMN and PZN-PT ceramics.Table 4.19 Diamond properties.Table 4.20 Properties of GaP.

      4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Guiding quality criteria for transparent ceramics in major fields o...Table 5.2 Properties of some transparent glass-ceramics usable in armor appli...Table 5.3 Properties of some armor glasses.Table 5.4 Radii of TM+ and RE+ cations.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Overall wavelength range of the spectrum of EMR (domain to which ...Figure 1.2 Transmission range of a few transparent ceramics and glasses show...Figure 1.3 Evolution of transparency during ceramic history (a) clay pitcher...Figure 1.4 First translucent, all-crystalline ceramic: imaging and microstru...Figure 1.5 Lamp (high pressure Na vapor) including vapors, envelope made of ...Figure 1.6 Nd:YAG rod-shaped ceramic gain media for solid-state lasers. Top:...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Schematic illustration of a spatial slice (temporal snapshot imag...Figure 2.2 Demonstration of constructive and destructive interference cases ...Figure 2.3 Various light polarization forms: (a) linearly polarized and (b) ...Figure 2.4 Graphic representation

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