Transparent Ceramics. Adrian Goldstein
2.63 Complementary colors at opposing positions of a color wheel (giv...Figure 2.64 Transmission spectra of oxide ceramics with different coloring a...Figure 2.65 CIE 1931 Standard Observer. Virtual color matching functions.Figure 2.66 CIE 1931 color space chromaticity diagram. The outer curve is th...Figure 2.67 a-b plane with L-scale of the CIE-Lab color space diagram. In th...Figure 2.68 In-line transmission spectra of polished MgAl2O4 spinel discs: T...Figure 2.69 Position of color of the transparent spinel discs of Table 2.8 i...Figure 2.70 Position of transparent spinel samples in CIE-Lab color space fo...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Pores average size, size distribution, morphology, and characteri...Figure 3.2 Monosized (∼1 μm), spherical amorphous silica particles arranged ...Figure 3.3 Silica glass parts fabricated by fast MW heating of compacts like...Figure 3.4 Yttria monosized spherical particles synthesized by wet chemistry...Figure 3.5 Selected, by centrifugation, fraction of Yb:SrF2 powder. (a) Coar...Figure 3.6 Discs resulting from hot pressing of (a) the coarse and (b) the f...Figure 3.7 Morphology of YAG powder prepared by spray-coprecipitation (state...Figure 3.8 Commercial spinel (MgAl2O4) powders with different particle sizes...Figure 3.9 Cryo-HRSEM micrographs of an aqueous suspension with 60% solid lo...Figure 3.10 Imaging of granules formed by various procedures (at ICSI, Haifa...Figure 3.11 Green density (as a function of compaction pressure) and microst...Figure 3.12 Schematic of surfactant molecules contact to particles surface (...Figure 3.13 Hydraulic pressure distribution across the cast and the mold in ...Figure 3.14 Cast porosity level as a function of particles size, shape, and ...Figure 3.15 Large (10 × 10 cm2) plate formed by slip-casting (AS + HIP). (a)...Figure 3.16 Photo of alumina ceramic disc formed by slip-casting under magne...Figure 3.17 Degree of orientation achieved, in the green-specimen from which...Figure 3.18 Transmission spectra of alumina discs, slip-casted under magneti...Figure 3.19 Schematic presentation of the mechanism by which an external mag...Figure 3.20 Schematic description of the slip-casting under magnetic field. ...Figure 3.21 Pore size of green cakes formed by centrifugal deposition (initi...Figure 3.22 Agglomerates of particles, present in the green bodies and the i...Figure 3.23 Voids system pattern and distribution, in the microstructure of ...Figure 3.24 The void space distribution, at the start of the last stage of s...Figure 3.25 The pores coalescence process that may occur, as a result of mas...Figure 3.26 Pore coordination (by grains) number (N) in sintering ceramics. ...Figure 3.27 Equilibrium shape of a pore, during ceramics sintering, surround...Figure 3.28 Matter transport paths (ionic diffusion mechanism) as a function...Figure 3.29 Dependence of pore-boundary interaction on microstructural featu...Figure 3.30 Plot of the effective pressure divided by the applied pressure v...Figure 3.31 Pressure application configuration with indication of the type o...Figure 3.32 Applicator of an MW (2.45 GHz) sintering system (large L/λ ...Figure 3.33 Schematic of CVD reactor.Figure 3.34 Corning ware (opaque bowl) in both finished state (left) and ini...Figure 3.35 Rate, as a function of temperature (within the t g –t f range) leve...Figure 3.36 Free energy, as a function of composition and the ensuing phase ...Figure 3.37 Examples of phase separated glasses that may lead to glass-ceram...Figure 3.38 Transmission spectrum of typical soda-lime silicate glass. Band ...Figure 3.39 Transparent (moderately) ceramics fabricated by full glass cryst...Figure 3.40 Processing routes one can base on a sol–gel approach and types o...Figure 3.41 Bulk sol–gel transparent (nanometers pore containing gamma alumi...Figure 3.42 Pore size distribution curves of alumina xerogel fired, for 24 h...Figure 3.43 Massive shrinkage during sintering of xerogels (gel prepared fro...Figure 3.44 Transformation of polycrystalline ceramic to single crystal part...Figure 3.45 Demonstration of solid-state single-crystal formation I the case...Figure 3.46 Lasing efficiency of Nd:YAG ceramic compared with that of solid-...Figure 3.47 Spherical shape individual YAG single-crystals prepared by the s...Figure 3.48 Transmission spectrum of thin (0.8 mm) plates of BMT and distort...Figure 3.49 Ion beam preparation of ceramic granules (IKTS Dresden). (a) Ful...Figure 3.50 Schematics of green ceramic bodies of identical green density. (...Figure 3.51 Preparation of sections through highly porous Al2O3 bodies prepa...Figure 3.54 Pore size distributions of green bodies prepared by slip-casting...Figure 3.52 Pore size distribution of green bodies formed by, respectively, ...Figure 3.53 Green microstructures of bodies made (a) by gel-casting and (b) ...Figure 3.55 Setup of laser tomography system used for scattering defects loc...Figure 3.56 Image of scattering defects topography in a single-crystal YAG (...Figure 3.57 Different visual evaluation of 0.06 mm thin translucent organic ...Figure 3.58 Effect of specimen thickness on the scattering loses. (a) Scatte...Figure 3.59 Chemical composition of grain-boundaries. (a) Map of Eu distribu...Figure 3.60 HRTEM image of a grain boundary in transparent spinel. (a) Undop...Figure 3.61 Segregation of Y3+ (1000 ppm of dopant) at the grain boundar...Figure 3.62 Nd penetration depth as a function of the plane type in alumina ...Figure 3.63 Distribution of Ce3+ over a YAG grain. (a) According to conf...Figure 3.64 Reflection spectra of TiO2 sintered in air (shows Ti3+ absor...Figure 3.65 Optical transmission curve of a Zr doped YAG and its EPR signal....Figure 3.66 Influences of (a) grain sizes and (b) of testing load on the Vic...Figure 3.67 The influence of grain size on the indentation size effect (the ...Figure 3.68 Increasing grain size of Al2O3 ceramics promotes pull-out of gra...Figure 3.69 Improved performance of transparent spinel ceramic (MgAl2O4; by ...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Phase diagram of the Al2O3–MgO system.Figure 4.2 Spinel (MgAl2O4) lattice. (1) oxide anions. (2) Al3+ cation. ...Figure 4.3 Morphology, size, and clustering pattern of three different spine...Figure 4.4 Pore size distribution of green bodies derived from SN1–SN3 powde...Figure 4.5 Particles (agglomerates) size distribution of SN1 and SN2 materia...Figure 4.6 Sintering curves of SN1–3 powders.Figure 4.7 Opaque white spots (regions not fully densified) frequently seen ...Figure 4.8 Transmission spectra of some spinel discs with different amounts ...Figure 4.9 Imaging of some transparent, medium size, spinel discs fabricated...Figure 4.10 Large transparent spinel windows fabricated by AS + HIP and HPin...Figure 4.11 HPing schedule when MgF2 is used as a sintering aid (see transmi...Figure 4.12 Large disc, produced by pressing followed by sinter/HIP at the N...Figure 4.13 Average and maximal grain size, as a function of sintering tempe...Figure 4.14 Microstructural patterns of transparent spinel ceramics fabricat...Figure 4.15 Carbon penetration into dense spinel. (a) Poorly sintered (white...Figure 4.16 Spectral effects of carbon penetration in spinel during HIPing. ...Figure 4.17 Transmission curves of spinel discs (t = 3 mm) fabricated by sin...Figure 4.18 Bidimensional scatter function of spinel plates. IF – instrument...Figure 4.19 EPR signal of minute Fe3+ impurity present in spinel.Figure 4.20 Electronic spectra of sintered/HIPed spinel doped with TiO2. (a)...Figure 4.21 Optical spectra of sulfur-containing materials. (1) Reflection c...Figure 4.22 Transmission spectra of T-gahnite ceramics. (a) First transparen...Figure 4.23 Phase diagram of the AlN–Al2O3 pseudo binary system.Figure 4.24 AlON (Al8(Al15Vac.)O27N5) lattice model; projection along the [1...Figure 4.25 Shrinkage during dilatometric heating of two AlON powders.Figure 4.26 Diffraction patterns produced by translucent AlON specimens. (a)...Figure 4.27 Microstructure of dense AlON (polished and etched surface).Figure 4.28 Microstructure of dense AlON ( fracture surface).Figure 4.29 Transmission curves of commercial (Surmet) plate (2) and specime...Figure 4.30 Imaging of an edge-on impact between a steel ball and an AlON pl...Figure 4.31 Lattice structure of corundum (α-Al2O3); oxide ions in red.Figure 4.32 Microstructure of dense alumina ceramics (derived from highly si...Figure 4.33 Effect of residual pores content (a function of green body sinte...Figure 4.34 Characteristics of transparent alumina parts fabricated by the t...Figure 4.35 Characteristics of translucent alumina discs fabricated by PECS....Figure 4.36 Transmission spectrum of hot pressed MgO ceramics as a function ...Figure 4.37 Transmittance of MgO ceramics densified at low temperature by PE...Figure 4.38 Characteristics of MgO powder and dense ceramics used in fabrica...Figure 4.39 (a) Imaging and (b) transmission spectra of translucent CaO cera...Figure 4.40 Phase diagram of the Y2O3–Al2O3 binary system.Figure 4.41 Fragment of garnet lattice and examples of T-YAG-based parts. (a...Figure 4.42 Morphology and basic particle size of YAG powder prepared by the...Figure 4.43 Shrinkage, during reaction-preceded sintering of YAG derived fro...Figure 4.44 Imaging and microstructure of YAG disc fabricated by sinter(air)...Figure 4.45 Transmission