Transparent Ceramics. Adrian Goldstein

Transparent Ceramics - Adrian Goldstein

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process.Figure 2.5 Dependence of optical lens focal length on the value of refractio...Figure 2.6 Wavelength dependence (“dispersion”) of the refractive index n(λ...Figure 2.7 Relationship between refraction index and dispersion for optical ...Figure 2.8 Deleterious effect of chromatic aberration.Figure 2.9 Plot of the partial dispersion ratio θ g,F against refractive...Figure 2.10 Plot of partial dispersion against Abbé number ν d . Two exam...Figure 2.11 Light reflectance vs. incidence angle of its S and P polarizatio...Figure 2.12 Use of total reflection, at the core/cladding interface, for kee...Figure 2.13 The refraction index ellipsoid and graphic determination of the ...Figure 2.14 Cross section of the refractive index ellipsoid of a uniaxial cr...Figure 2.15 Schematic demonstration of light scattering by randomly disperse...Figure 2.16 Scattering form factor as function of the dimensionless u scatte...Figure 2.17 Relative scattering intensity as function of scattering angle in...Figure 2.18 Effect of pore size/λ ratio on scattering intensity. (a) Th...Figure 2.19 Measured in-line transmission of single and polycrystalline Mg–A...Figure 2.20 In-line transmittance as a function of wavelength for polycrysta...Figure 2.21 Changes of transmission, for high density, variable grain size, ...Figure 2.22 Scattering parameters dependence on grain size. (a) Scattering i...Figure 2.23 Energy scheme of a Cr 4+ ion calculated par Racah constants o...Figure 2.24 Ni2+ cation's 3F ground-state level splitting by the spin/or...Figure 2.25 Correlation map (Terms scheme) demonstrating changes in the symm...Figure 2.26 Absorption curve and electronic levels scheme (deduced from spec...Figure 2.27 A Tanabe–Sugano diagram providing the energy separations between...Figure 2.28 Illustrated schematic scheme of the vibrational energy in a mult...Figure 2.29 Energy scheme of vibrational levels belonging to two different e...Figure 2.30 Squared vibrational wave functions describing the normal coordin...Figure 2.31 Correlation map for the 3H ground Term of an nf2 configuration f...Figure 2.32 Energy scheme of Nd3+ ions of 4f3 configuration residing in ...Figure 2.33 Absorption spectrum of Fe3+ in disordered hosts (an aqueous ...Figure 2.34 Effective fluorescence lifetime of an excited, doubly ionized co...Figure 2.35 Schematic illustration of a J = 2 state splittin...Figure 2.36 Schematic demonstration of possible resonance absorption peaks i...Figure 2.37 Energy levels considering the splitting of the states of a D 3 (u...Figure 2.38 Schematic energy level scheme related to an electron spin resona...Figure 2.39 Computer-generated spectrum of absorbed radio frequency power de...Figure 2.40 Electronic spectrum of a spinel containing 0.1% TiO2, subjected ...Figure 2.41 Electron paramagnetic resonance signal (RT) of the specimen rele...Figure 2.42 The transmission spectra generated by the Cu species present in ...Figure 2.43 Cu 2p X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy signal in Zn-phosphate gl...Figure 2.44 EPR signal of Cu2+, located in various Zn-phosphate glasses....Figure 2.45 Optical spectrum of Cu accommodated (as Cu2+ in two coordina...Figure 2.46 Optical spectrum generated by Cu accommodated in a YAG host, whi...Figure 2.47 Cu0 nanometric clusters in P-Zn red glass (STEM image).Figure 2.48 Electronic states scheme of Er3+ cation.Figure 2.49 Electronic states of Yb3+ cation.Figure 2.50 Spectra produced by Nd3+ and Er3+, respectively, located...Figure 2.51 Energy schemes describing the classification of solid materials ...Figure 2.52 Fermi–Dirac distribution function (occupancy of electronic state...Figure 2.53 Schematic illustration of a Morse potential, and its related har...Figure 2.54 Temporal snapshots of the atomic base normal mode states for dif...Figure 2.55 Graphic representation of acoustic vibration modes: (b) transver...Figure 2.56 Schematic illustration of transverse and longitudinal dispersion...Figure 2.57 Schematic illustration of optical transverse and longitudinal di...Figure 2.58 First Brillouin zone image of a face-centered cubic crystal (als...Figure 2.59 Phonon dispersion curves in GaAs along major symmetry directions...Figure 2.60 Calculated optical front surface reflectance of a dielectric cry...Figure 2.61 Semi-logarithmic plot of room temperature absorption coefficient...Figure 2.62 Black body radiation spectra at different temperatures. The spec...Figure
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