Transparent Ceramics. Adrian Goldstein
discs fabricated at ICSI, Hai...Figure 4.46 Transmission spectra of Ce3+ containing YAG and the impurity...Figure 4.48 Electronic spectra generated by Y2+ (a d1-type ion) formed i...Figure 4.47 Energy level diagram of Ce3+ in YAG assuming that its cubic ...Figure 4.49 Thermal conductivity of two garnets (single crystal state): YAG ...Figure 4.50 Optical spectrum of Yb-doped garnets: YAG (1) and LuAG (2) ceram...Figure 4.51 Transmission spectra of TAG ceramics, fabricated by vacuum sinte...Figure 4.52 Imaging and transmission spectra of some TGG ceramics, as a func...Figure 4.53 Images of Y2O3 lattice. (a) Structure (cubic) stable at RT. 1 Ox...Figure 4.54 Sintered Y2O3 ceramic exhibiting some transparency (central regi...Figure 4.55 Microstructure of sintered Y2O3 ceramics. (a) Pure yttria showin...Figure 4.56 Transmission curve of transparent yttria ceramic (YTTRALOX) comp...Figure 4.57 Microstructure and transmission spectra of thoria-doped yttria c...Figure 4.58 Transmission spectrum of Nd-doped yttria (thoria) transparent ce...Figure 4.59 Lasing efficiency of specimen shown in Figure 4.58 (poor efficie...Figure 4.60 Effect of doping on the grain boundary mobility (Mb), at various...Figure 4.61 Dopants segregation at the GBs of yttria ceramics without amorph...Figure 4.62 Thermal conductivity variation, as a function of their Yb3+ ...Figure 4.63 Transmission spectrum of Yb-doped Scandia transparent ceramic....Figure 4.64 RT, emission spectra of Yb, and Nd co-doped scandia ceramic host...Figure 4.65 Imaging and transmission spectra of two 10 mol% Yb containing lu...Figure 4.66 Unit cells of various zirconia polymorphs (states the oxide assu...Figure 4.67 Mechanism of crack arresting, operating in TZP ceramics of fine ...Figure 4.68 Dark field image of overaged PSZ-type zirconia ceramic showing t...Figure 4.69 TEM images of yttria-stabilized, superfine powder synthesized by...Figure 4.70 Stabilized zirconia powders, based on microspherical particles, ...Figure 4.71 The basic grains of the particles of Figure 4.67 (SEM on thermal...Figure 4.72 Sintering curves of zirconia green bodies formed by various proc...Figure 4.73 Transparent tiles of tetragonal ZrO2 (+3 mol% Y2O3) ceramic made...Figure 4.74 Microstructure of transparent cubic zirconia parts fabricated by...Figure 4.75 Optical spectrum of cubic (stabilized with 8 mol% yttria) zircon...Figure 4.76 Imaging of transparent plates, made of cubic zirconia, having va...Figure 4.77 XRD patterns of monoclinic zirconia powder compacts as a functio...Figure 4.78 Imaging of monoclinic zirconia discs (t = 0.35 mm) as a function...Figure 4.79 Transmission spectra of as-grown zirconia single crystal and the...Figure 4.80 Transmission spectra of cubic and tetragonal zirconia ceramics d...Figure 4.81 Calculated transmission curves of sintered cubic ceramics with t...Figure 4.82 Imaging of CaF2 lattice. (1) Ca, (2) F.Figure 4.83 Imaging of transparent CaF2 ceramic disc and its absorption spec...Figure 4.84 HAADF-STEM image of Yb segregation at the grain boundaries of a ...Figure 4.85 Transmission spectrum (MIR range) of transparent CaF2 ceramics....Figure 4.86 Microstructure and imaging of Er-doped CaF2. (a) Microstructure ...Figure 4.87 ZnS lattice. (1) Zn, (2) S.Figure 4.88 Transmission spectra of different grades of ZnS ceramics.Figure 4.89 Transmission spectra of two grades of ZnSe ceramic.Figure 4.90 Absorption spectra of some Cr2+-doped ZnSe ceramics. (A) Pol...Figure 4.91 The unit cell of BaTiO3.Figure 4.92 Phase diagram of the pseudo-ternary system PbTiO3–PbZrO3–La2O3....Figure 4.93 Imaging and transmission spectrum of PLZT thin plate fabricated ...Figure 4.94 Schematic of hot pressing system used for fabrication of transpa...Figure 4.95 Microstructure of PLZT ceramic (SEM on plasma etched surface)....Figure 4.96 The Δ n as a function of external electrical field strength ...Figure 4.97 The value of the R eff coefficient as a function of temperature f...Figure 4.98 Transmission window, in the NIR range, of ferroelectric lead-fre...Figure 4.99 Imaging and optical spectra of lead-free translucent ceramics de...Figure 4.100 Projections along the c-axis of α- and β-quartz lattices. (a) α...Figure 4.101 Transmission of grade Zerodur transparent glass-ceramic (Schott...Figure 4.102 The glass-forming regions of the SiO2–Li2O3–Al2O3 system. Q = q...Figure 4.103 XRD pattern of transparent glass-ceramic derived from the SiO2–...Figure 4.104 Microstructure of phase-separated binary aluminosilicate glass ...Figure 4.105 Transmission spectra of a float glass plate and that of doped a...Figure 4.106 Imaging of the LaF3 nanocrystallites developed in a FOG-type gl...Figure 4.107 Fluorescence and lasing gain spectra of Nd3+-doped FOG-type...Figure 4.108 Effect of mother glass composition on the habitus of crystals p...Figure 4.109 Dependence of transmittance of glass-ceramics and glass/crystal...Figure 4.110 Imaging and transmission spectra of transparent ceramics fabric...Figure 4.111 Imaging of ceramics, produced by full ceramming of glasses havi...Figure 4.112 Transmission spectrum (t = 0.9 mm) of transparent ferroelectric...Figure 4.113 Variation of the dielectric constant, as a function of temperat...Figure 4.114 Hysteresis loops (the polarization vs. field strength curve) as...Figure 4.115 Characteristics of mother glass and transparent ferroelectric g...Figure 4.116 Transmission spectrum of TeO2-based glass.Figure 4.117 Second harmonic signal generated by stress, induced by expansio...Figure 4.118 Transparent (IR range) glass-ceramic based on a chalcogenide mo...Figure 4.119 Electron density spatial distribution in chemical bonds connect...Figure 4.120 Imaging (b-panel) and lattice model of five shell basic particl...Figure 4.121 Phase diagram of carbon showing a region of stability of diamon...Figure 4.122 Bonding scheme and atom coordination pattern in diamond lattice...Figure 4.123 Transmission of diamond thin plates; CVD bulk diamond and type ...Figure 4.124 Industrial scale dc arc jet-type diamond deposition reactor in ...Figure 4.125 Imaging of the as-deposited surface of polycrystalline diamond ...Figure 4.126 Comparison of GaP transmission spectrum with those of competito...Figure 4.127 Bulk GaP plate produced by CVD; bottom piece is in as-deposited...Figure 4.128 Transmission spectrum of thin cubic SiC freestanding, polycryst...Figure 4.129 Small transparent Si3N4 ceramic disc and its transmission spect...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Imaging and thermal mapping of a 400 W metal-halide lamp with PCA...Figure 5.2 Various small, armor piercing, projectiles (medium-to-high threat...Figure 5.3 Schematic presentation of the way a copper shaped-charge forms....Figure 5.4 Imaging of the core of a 7.62 mm FFV AP round before impact (left...Figure 5.5 (a) Schematic of an impact in which the armor thickness is large ...Figure 5.6 The main wave types that form consecutive to the impacting of a c...Figure 5.7 Schematic of the main stages of the penetration process; small ar...Figure 5.8 Cracks system generated in an alumina target by a 6.35 mm steel b...Figure 5.9 Comminution zone, developing in the armor tile, under the nose (f...Figure 5.10 Schematic of the setup used in a depth of penetration (DoP) type...Figure 5.11 (a) Schematic and (b) imaging of an edge-on impact (EOI) test by...Figure 5.12 Ballistic cinematography of the impact, on B4C/Al plate, of a st...Figure 5.13 Dependence of the cracking pattern on the nature of the target. ...Figure 5.14 High speed photography of EOI event (a, TiB2 plate) and simulati...Figure 5.15 Flash X-ray cinematography of impact of 7.62 mm AP projectile (s...Figure 5.16 Options for structured ceramic top layers on glass backing. (a) ...Figure 5.17 Mosaic of transparent Mg–Al spinel tiles with sub-micrometer mic...Figure 5.18 Ceramic Mg–Al spinel tiles (refractive index n = 1.72) with poli...Figure 5.19 Imaging of a transparent spinel (4 mm)/glass (46 mm)/polycarbona...Figure 5.20 Multilayer transparent laminate (2 mm thin sub-μm transparent AlFigure 5.21 Imaging of armor windows of the all-glass type (panel (a): bulle...Figure 5.22 Imaging and ballistic testing of transparent corundum single cry...Figure 5.23 Crater and cracks produced by the impact (at 540 m/s) of a 2.3 m...Figure 5.24 Pattern of the fracture system produced, on a spinel dome, by it...Figure 5.25 IR sensors protective dome made from alumina.Figure 5.26 IR sensors protective dome made of spinel ceramic.Figure 5.27 Very large cryo-vacuum chamber window, made of transparent ZnSe-...Figure 5.28 Polished polycrystalline diamond dome fabricated by CVD (t = 1 m...Figure 5.29 Radome (transparent to MW range radiation) made of cordierite cr...Figure 5.30 Grand Canyon Skywalk imaging. (a) Laminated glass floor.(b) ...Figure 5.31 Composite windows made of fully-transparent colored tiles (each ...Figure 5.32 Cubic zirconia single crystal, ground and polished as a brillian...Figure 5.33 (a) Purple, (b) multi-color, and (c) tree-tone cubic zirconia si...Figure 5.34 Single-crystalline colored Al2O3 gemstones: (a) Red r...Figure 5.35 Sintered polycrystalline gemstones made of different ceramics. B...Figure 5.36 Polycrystalline sintered Al2O3 gemstone ceramics covering the ci...Figure 5.37 “Mysterium” watch by Krieger, made in Switzerland, with transluc...Figure 5.38 The