Competitive Advantage in Investing. Steven Abrahams
alt="images"/>. The expected return on the riskless asset becomes
Figure 2.3 Steady investment in portfolios along the capital market line raises their price and lowers return, flattening the population of attainable investments against the line.
An asset's expected return depends on the riskless rate and a multiple,
In CAPM, the multiplier,
The assumption of riskless lending and borrowing for all investors in the Sharpe and Linter framework immediately came under scrutiny, but Fischer Black in 1972, then at the University of Chicago, showed that the general relationship between
CAPM has provided much of the intellectual foundation for arguments that investors should hold positions along the capital market line because that is the only risk for which investors get compensated. The portfolio manager's job simply becomes deciding how to leverage or deleverage the exposure to the market basket.
CAPM also obviously implies a fair value for an asset's expected return. That value should line up with its beta. An asset with a beta of one should have the same return as the market basket, and an asset with a beta of two, for instance, should have twice the return. This is also the same framework for estimating the cost of equity capital. Once an analyst has calculated a beta or
CAPM has encouraged the use of market indices in evaluating the performance of asset managers. A manager who holds a portfolio along the capital market line will show excess returns—returns beyond the riskless rate—with a beta that reflects the portfolio's risk position. If the manager holds only the riskless asset, for example, the excess return and the beta would be zero. If the manager holds only the risky asset, the beta would be 1. If the manager borrows at the riskless rate and invests the funds in the risky asset, the beta will be greater than 1. Investors that put $1 of their own money in the risky asset and then borrow $1 to buy more of the risky asset, for example, would show a beta of 2 because a 1% gain or loss on the risky asset would create a 2% gain or loss on the original invested money. A simple regression of the manager's periodic excess returns on the excess returns from the risky asset would produce estimates of beta. After adjusting for the manager's beta, a portfolio that sat somewhere along the capital market line would show no excess return over the market basket. In a regression, it would show no alpha.
CAPM has framed investment performance on individual investments and funds in terms of alpha and beta. Because a range of cash and derivative instruments such as index funds, exchange-traded funds, futures, and swaps has made it relatively easy to get exposure to the market basket, the value of simple beta exposure is low. Almost any individual or institution can get beta exposure at low cost and with great liquidity. Managers instead try to produce alpha or excess return beyond the level in an index portfolio. This is valuable because the aggregate market alpha is zero. Managers should get paid well for delivering alpha. This sets a high bar for manager performance. As investment analysts Richard Grinold and Ronald Kahn note (1999), one implication of CAPM is that “investors that don't think they have superior information should hold the market portfolio. If you are a ‘greater fool’ and you know it, you can protect yourself by not playing” (p. 17).
The Power of Leverage, the Price of Equity, the Value of a Good Manager
Sharpe's case for the best way for an individual or manager to construct a portfolio and for the best way to value an asset or an asset manager would have a powerful impact over the following decades, ultimately leading to a Nobel Prize in 1990—a prize shared with Harry Markowitz and option theorist Merton Miller. Among other things, Sharpe's approach implied important things about financial leverage, or borrowing money to make risky investments. It implied important things about the fair rate of return for providing investment capital. And it also implied important things about the ability of an asset manager to beat the market.
Sharpe's approach underscored the importance of financial leverage. The ability of investors to borrow money and reinvest in riskier assets plays a critical role in making markets efficient. When investors can borrow and reinvest easily, the riskiest investments have to compete against returns available from a leveraged position in a safer portfolio of assets. When investors cannot borrow and reinvest easily, the riskiest investments can get away with providing returns below a fair rate. Investors who need an above-average rate of return have to invest in assets that provide less-than-fair compensation. That might hurt the individuals, banks, insurers, pension funds, and others that might need high rates of return to cover some of their greatest expected future expenses. This belies the common perception that financial