Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance. F. Xavier Malcata
where ju denotes a unit vector colinear with u . Algebraic rearrangement resorting to Eq. (3.33) yields
from Eq. (3.81), whereas the associative property of multiplication of scalars unfolds
upon multiplication and division by cos{∠ v , w }, Eq. (3.83) becomes
with the aid also of the commutative property of multiplication of scalars. Recalling Eq. (3.53), one may reformulate Eq. (3.84) to
one promptly concludes that
because the vector in the right‐hand side of Eq. (3.85) has length equal to ‖ w ‖ multiplied by correction factor
this means that the scalar product of vectors is not associative with regard to the product of scalar by vector.
Although the definition as per Eq. (3.53), or a graphical support (as done above) may be utilized to infer all properties of the scalar product of vectors, either approach may prove cumbersome in routine analysis – so a handier mode of calculation would be welcome. Toward this goal, one may resort to the coordinate‐based forms of vectors u and v labeled as Eqs. (3.1) and (3.2), i.e.
In view of Eq. (3.70), one can convert Eq. (3.88) to
and a further application of the said distributive property unfolds
Equations (3.33) and (3.38) permit transformation of Eq. (3.90) to
– or, due to Eq. (3.58),
Recalling Eq. (3.55), one realizes that
because vectors jx, jy, and jz have unit length by definition; on the other hand,
because each pair of indicated vectors are orthogonal to each other – so the cosine of their angle is nil, as per Eq. (3.56). Combination with Eqs. (3.93) and (3.94) permits simplification of Eq. (3.92) to just
or, in condensed form,
where i stands for x (i = 1), y (i = 2), or z (i = 3). Equation (3.95) is of particular relevance,since it allows calculation of the dot product based solely on the coordinates of its vector factors – without the need to explicitly know the angle between them or their magnitude; while providing a basic relationship of scalar product to the definition provided by Eq. (3.52) (as will soon be seen). Once in possession of Eq. (3.95), one realizes that