Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance. F. Xavier Malcata
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in agreement with Fig. 3.4h and based on Eqs. (3.59), (3.112), and (3.121) – as represented in Fig. 3.4h. One may thus add the areas of the parallelograms in Figs. 3.4f and 3.4g to get
as emphasized in Fig. 3.4e via plain juxtaposition of the said parallelograms, with S[BCKJ] = S[0AHF]. However, triangles [0BJ] and [ACK] are identical as per Fig. 3.4i, owing to the geometrical features of parallelograms – i.e. [0B] and [AC] are parallel and share the same length, and the same applies to [BJ] and [CK]; hence, [0J] and [AK] must also be parallel, and have identical length. One accordingly concludes that
while Eqs. (3.118) and (3.120) allow transformation of Eq. (3.123) to
Recalling Eq. (3.111), one may redo Eq. (3.125) to
or else
upon addition and subtraction of S[0BJ], and the aid of Eq. (3.124); the right-hand side of Eq. (3.127) is illustrated as [0AKJ] in Fig. 3.4i – which coincides in area with S[0AIC] as in Fig. 3.4h, so one concludes that
following combination with Eqs. (3.111) and (3.122). Therefore, the vector product is distributive on the right with regard to addition of vectors. In what concerns the other possibility, Eq. (3.116) allows one to write
where u + v plays here the role played previously by v, and similarly w plays here the role played previously by u; in view of Eq. (3.128), one gets
where Eq. (3.116) may again be invoked to obtain
– so the vector product is distributive also on the right, with regard to addition of vectors.
Figure 3.4 Graphical representation of (a) vectors u, v, and w, and of sum, v + w, of v with w; (b) projection of v onto u⊥, with magnitude equal to length, L[BD], of straight segment [BD]; (c) projection of w onto u⊥, with magnitude equal to length, L[EF], of straight segment [EF]; (d) projection of v + w onto u⊥ with magnitude equal to length, L[CG], of straight segment [CG]; (e, i) sum of u × v, given by area, A[0ACB], of parallelogram [0ACB], with u × w, given by area A[BCKJ] of parallelogram [BCJK]; (f) vector product, u × v, of u by v, given by area, A[0ACB], of parallelogram [0ACB]; (g) vector product, u × w, of u by w, given by area, A[0AHF], of parallelogram [0AHF]; (h) vector product, u × ( v + w), of u by v + w, given by area, A[0AIC], of parallelogram [0AIC]; and (i) equivalence of areas S[0ACB] and S[BCKJ] to area, S[0AKJ], of parallelogram [0AKJ], via addition of area, S[ACK], of triangle [ACK] and subtraction of area, S[0BJ], of triangle [0BJ].
Using the coordinate forms of vectors u and v as given by Eqs. (3.1) and (3.2), one can write
Eq. (3.131) supports transformation to
whereas Eq. (3.128) permits further transformation to