Essentials of MRI Safety. Donald W. McRobbie

Essentials of MRI Safety - Donald W. McRobbie

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in the coil and potential heating or burns for the patient.

Schematic illustration of receive coil and pre-amplifier describing (a) the coil has inductance L and resistance R, (b) response of the coil during signal reception and RF transmission.

Field Amplitude Frequency / Slew rate Pulse duration
Static field B0 0.2‐7 T 0 Hz Always present
Static fringe field spatial gradient dB/dz 0‐25 T m–1 0 Hz Always present
Imaging gradients Gx, Gy, Gz 0‐80 mT m–1 0‐10 kHz 0‐200 T m–1 s–1 0‐10 ms
RF transmit field B1 0‐50 μT 8‐300 MHz 0‐10 ms
Bar chart depicts relative magnitude of magnetic fields used in MRI.

      Static field

       Definition of magnetic flux density and the tesla

      Whilst MR practitioners commonly refer to their magnets in terms of “magnetic field strength”, this nomenclature is scientifically incorrect. The proper term is magnetic flux density, denoted as B. B is a vector field with components in each direction Bx, By and Bz. MRI is only sensitive to Bz and that is what we refer to colloquially as the “field.” Magnetic flux density has the SI (International System) unit of the tesla (T). An older unit is the gauss (G). One tesla equals 10 000 G.

Schematic illustration of the definition of the SI unit tesla.


      The unit of “magnetic field strength” is not the tesla, but is amperes per meter. B is the magnetic flux density.

      So, what is magnetic field strength in actuality? It is given the symbol H and has units of amperes per meter (A m−1). It is defined in terms of a cylindrical electromagnet, just like our scanner – the current in the windings generates an H‐field. In free space


      μ0 is the magnetic permeability in a vacuum, equal to 4π x10−7 henrys per meter (H m−1).

Photo depicts the magnetic field lines of force that is (a) seen in the pattern of iron filings around a permanent magnet and (b) from an electromagnet.

       B0 fringe field

Graph depicts the magnitude of the B0 fringe field and its spatial gradient dB/dz along the z-axis simulated for shielded one point five and 3T MRI magnets. The vertical lines indicate the locations of the zero point five mT contour.
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