Essentials of MRI Safety. Donald W. McRobbie

Essentials of MRI Safety - Donald W. McRobbie

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      1 1 In type 1 superconductors the magnetic field inside the material is zero due to the Meissner Effect.

      2 2 This is not true in tissue. See Chapter 2, page 54.

      3 3 Using complex notation where, the operator eiωt signifies circular motion.


      The fundamental laws of magnetism were summarized by Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in four equations. These equations are not for the faint‐hearted nor for the mathematically challenged, but if you aspire to be an expert in MRI safety, then you should have a good understanding of their consequences. By comparison, if you did not understand Newton’s laws of gravitation or Einstein’s theory of relativity you would not become a rocket scientist. Maxwell’s equations underpin everything in electromagnetism: the biological effects of EM fields, interactions with implants, electromagnetic modeling of field exposures and specific absorption rate (SAR), projectiles and magnet safety, magnetic shielding, fringe field gradients, and acoustic noise. A full understanding requires some knowledge of vector calculus and differential equations (see Appendix 2) but for now we will not need this. Those aspiring to be MR Safety Experts should read this chapter in conjunction with Appendix 1.

      Understanding Maxwell’s Equations

      Maxwell’s equations are given in Appendix 1. Here we describe their main consequences for MRI safety.

       Electrical charge and electric fields

Schematic illustrations of electric field lines begin at a source of positive charge and terminate at a negative charge: (a) single point positive charge, (b) positive and negative point charges, and (c) capacitor with a potential difference V between the plates.

       Magnetic fields

Schematic illustration of the magnetic field lines from a permanent bar magnet.

       Electromagnetic induction

Schematic illustration of the electric fields induced by a time-varying magnetic field form complete loops dB/dt is into the page.

       Electromagnetic waves

      Generating magnetic fields

      Maxwell’s equations teach us that a magnetic field (we shall drop the proper term “flux density”) is generated by an electrical current. In this section we consider the generation of magnetic fields from conductors and coils in various simple configurations. Further detail is given in Appendix 1.

       B field from a long straight conductor

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