Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements. Joel P. Dunsmore

Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements - Joel P. Dunsmore

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of Keysight Technologies. True‐Multiport VNAs

      While the extension test set provides a directional‐coupler on each port of the test system, the reference coupler and the measurement receivers are shared, so the number of ports that can be measured simultaneously is limited to the number of receivers in the base instrument. Recently, improved integration has made it possible to include a full VNA test receiver on each port, so true‐multiport VNAs are now available. These come in a variety of form factors, but for the most part they are intended for manufacturing operations, where size and footprint are important.

      One of the first offerings for a large‐port‐count true‐multiport VNA was the ZNBT from Rohde & Schwarz. It provides options from 8 to 24 ports, with a faceless instrument. In this configuration, it had six independent sources (one for each four ports) as well as receivers on each port.

Photo depicts the fifty-port vector network analyzer system comprised of six-port and two-port modules.

      Multiport VNAs in a modular format require the local oscillator to be shared across all modules to get the best trace noise performance. These systems provide a daisy chain approach to the connect the LO and the 10 MHz reference to each of the modules. The big advantage of a modular approach is the test system is easily reconfigured to support different test needs. For example, a 16‐port system, comprised of eight 2‐port modules, can be reconfigured into four sets of 4‐port VNAs.

Total Ports Total Paths Switched 2‐Port Switched 4‐Port True Multiport
8 28 56 sweeps 24 sweeps 8 sweeps
16 120 240 sweeps 64 sweeps 16 sweeps
24 276 552 sweeps 144 sweeps 24 sweeps Calibration of Multiport VNAs

       2.2.8 High‐Power Test Systems

      Most VNAs have a maximum test port operating level on the order of 10–15 dBm, with a damage level on the order of +30 dBm. Beyond the operating level, the receiver will be in substantial compression, so the data is not valid. Many VNAs provide internal receiver attenuators that allow reducing the power to the receiver, providing operation to much higher levels. The maximum input power to test port couplers are often rated higher than the maximum level of other components behind the directional‐coupler so that with proper padding and isolation, the VNA can be operated to levels as high as +43 dBm, depending on the model. Operation above these levels is possible but requires substantial external components including external couplers to ensure the power level at the VNA components is below the power damage level. Details of high power test configuration are shown in Chapter 6.

      For testing devices that require high‐power drives, it is common to add an amplifier to increase the power

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