Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements. Joel P. Dunsmore

Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements - Joel P. Dunsmore

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to the port 1 output and drive the DUT directly from the booster amplifier. This generally results in poor measurements of DUT due to mismatch and gain errors in the booster amplifier. In this approach, it is common to add a booster amplifier, normalize the S21 trace, and then add the DUT and measure the resulting gain relative to the normalized booster amplifier response. However, the normalization has errors due to mismatch between the booster amplifier and the load port. And the measurement has errors due to mismatch between the booster amplifier the high‐power DUT. Further, the input match or S11 of the DUT cannot be reliably measured because booster amplifier isolation eliminates the ability to measure a signal reflected from the DUT. A second error in gain measurements often occurs with this direct approach due to gain drift or gain compression of the booster amplifier.

      A better systematic approach is to add the booster amplifier behind the test port coupler, and use a second coupler as the reference‐channel tap to generate a signal proportional to the booster amplifier output signal that can be routed to the reference channel. In this scenario, a directional‐coupler rather than a power splitter is typically used to provide lower loss after the booster amplifier. The output of the reference channel is directed through the test port coupler of port 1 so that the S11 of the DUT can be accurately measured. In almost all cases, an accurate measurement of high‐drive‐power devices requires a booster amplifier followed by a reference coupler. Chapter 6 provides a detailed discussion of high‐power amplifier measurements, including several alternative block diagram configurations to support various power levels.

       2.2.9 VNA with mm‐Wave Extenders

      Frequencies above 30 GHz are technically millimeter wave (as in they literally have a wavelength less than a cm), and it is common to consider mm‐wave above 50 GHz to over 120 GHz. At these high frequencies the losses in the test leads become so great than it often makes testing quite difficult because of the power loss from the VNA port to the DUT reference plan. This is particularly true in on‐wafer applications where the large size of the VNA means it must be placed some distance from the probes, and that means long test cables.

Schematic illustration of a mm-Wave Head block diagram with broadband capability.

      Older mm‐wave broadband systems (not shown) placed the combiner in front of the mm‐port. This allowed the use of a full waveguide coupler in the head (which of course cannot pass low frequencies), but the loss of the combiner at the output leads to system instabilities, and this style of broadband head has largely been obsoleted.

      One version of mm‐heads, so‐called banded‐heads, typically use waveguide‐based couplers and cover only the waveguide band. The test port is a waveguide as well. These heads have only a single source and LO multiplier, and of course they have no low frequency path at all. Banded heads operate over nearly all the waveguide bands from V band (50–75) up to THz frequencies of 1.5 THz.

      The reference and test IF paths, just like in the broadband head, are returned to the base box for signal conditioning and detection in the digital IF.

Photo depicts the four-port, 900 Hz to 130 GHz vector network analyzer system using mm-wave extenders.

      Source: Photo courtesy of Keysight Technologies.

       2.3.1 Measurement Limitations of the VNA

      The systematic error terms (described in Chapter 3) are well known, and many methods are used to essentially eliminate their effects on the S‐parameter measurement results. However, other hardware limitations in a VNA are cannot be so easily removed, and special care must be taken to diminish the effects of these limitations. Noise Floor

      There exist two distinct noise effects in S‐parameter measurements: noise floor and high‐level trace

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