Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3 - Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

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we shall see, all the average values useful in our calculation can be simply expressed as a function of this operator.

      We now evaluate the different terms included in the average energy, starting with the terms containing one-particle operators.

       α. Kinetic and external potential energy

      Using relation (B-12) of Chapter XV, we obtain for the average kinetic energy 〈Ĥ0〉:


       β. Average interaction energy, Hartree-Fock potential operator

      The average interaction energy image can be computed using the general expression (C-16) of Chapter XV for any two-particle operator, which yields:


      For the average value image in the Fock state image to be different from zero, the operator must leave unchanged the populations of the individual states |θn〉 and |θq〉. As in § C-5-b of Chapter XV, two possibilities may occur: either r = n and s = q (the direct term), or r = q and s = n (the exchange term). Commuting some of the operators, we can write:



      (the constraint ij may be ignored since the right-hand side is equal to zero in this case). Here again, the subscripts 1 and 2 label two arbitrary, but different particles, that could have been labeled arbitrarily. We can therefore write:

      This operator is Hermitian, since, as the two operators Pex and W2 are Hermitian and commute, we can write:


       ϒ. Role of the one-particle reduced density operator