Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3 - Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

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chosen among the |θ1〉, |θ2〉, ….|θN〉, it follows that the subspace image is stable under the action of the operator (74).

      We can then restrict the operator HHF to that subspace:


      The discussion in § 1-f is still relevant. As the operator WHF depends on the |φn〉, the Hartree-Fock equations have an intrinsic nonlinear character, which generally requires a resolution by successive approximations. We start from a set of N individual states image to build a first value of PN and the operator WHF, which are used to compute the Hamiltonian (74). Considering this Hamiltonian now fixed, the Hartree-Fock equations (77) become linear, and can be solved as usual eigenvalue equations. This leads to new values image for the |φn〉, and finishes the first iteration. In the second iteration, we use the image in (78) to compute a new value of the mean field operator WHF; considering again this operator as fixed, we solve the eigenvalue equation and obtain the second iteration values image for the |φn〉, and so on. If the initial values image are physically reasonable, one can hope for a rapid convergence towards the expected solution of the nonlinear Hartree-Fock equations.

      The variational energy can be computed in the same way as in § 1-e. Multiplying on the left equation (77) by the bra 〈φn|, we get:


      After summing over the subscript n, we obtain:



      where the particle interaction energy is counted twice. To compute the energy image, we can eliminate image between (26) and this relation and we finally obtain:


      Assume the fermions we are studying are particles with spin 1/2, electrons for example. The basis {|r〉} of the individual states used in § 1 must be replaced by the basis formed with the kets {|r, ν)}, where ν is the spin index, which can take 2 distinct values noted ±1/2, or more simply ±. To the summation over d3r we must now add a summation over the 2 values of the index spin ν. A vector |φ〉 in the individual state space is now written:




      The variables r and ν play a similar role but the first one is continuous whereas the second is discrete. Writing them in the same parenthesis might hide this difference, and we often prefer noting the discrete index as a superscript of the function φ and write:


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