Internal Combustion Engines. Allan T. Kirkpatrick
Appendix B Physical Properties of Air
20 Appendix C Thermodynamic Property Tables for Various Ideal Gases
21 Appendix D Curve‐Fit Coefficients for Thermodynamic Properties of Various Fuels and Ideal Gases
22 Appendix E Detailed Thermodynamic and Fluid Flow Analyses E.1 Thermodynamic Derivatives E.2 Numerical Solution of Equilibrium Combustion Equations E.3 Isentropic Compression/Expansion with known ΔP E.4 Isentropic Compression/Expansion with known Δv E.5 Constant Volume Combustion E.6 Quality of Exhaust Products E.7 Finite Difference Form of the Reynolds Slider Equation E.8 Reference
23 Appendix F Computer Programs F.1 Volume.m F.2 Velocity.m F.3 BurnFraction.m F.4 FiniteHeatRelease.m F.5 FiniteHeatMassLoss.m F.6 CIHeatRelease.m F.7 FourStrokeOtto.m F.8 RunFarg.m F.9 farg.m F.10 fuel.m F.11 RunEcp.m F.12 ecp.m F.13 AdiabaticFlameTemp.m F.14 OttoFuelAir.m F.15 FourStrokeFuelAir.m F.16 TwoZoneFuelAir.m F.17 Fuel_Injected.m F.18 LimitPressFuelAir.m F.19 ValveFlow.m F.20 Droplet.m F.21 Kinetic.m F.22 Soot.m F.23 TwoZoneNO.m F.24 RingPressure.m F.25 Friction.m F.26 HeatTransfer.m
24 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Performance Comparison of Three Different Four‐Stroke Turbocharged ...Table 1.2 Engine Data for Homework Problems
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Fuel PropertiesTable 2.2 Input Parameters for Four‐Stroke Gas CycleTable 2.3 State Variables for Four‐Stroke Example 2.3Table 2.4 Computed Performance Parameters for Four‐Stroke Example 2.3Table 2.5 Comparison of Energy Release Models with and without heat/mass tran...
3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Ideal Gas Enthalpy of Formation, Enthalpy of Vaporization, Saturati...Table 3.2 Enthalpy of Vaporization, Saturation Vapor Pressure, and Specific V...Table 3.3 Curve‐Fit Coefficients for Antoine's Equation for Saturation Vapor ...Table 3.4 Curve‐Fit Coefficients for Enthalpy of Vaporization
4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Enthalpy of Formation, Entropy, Lower/Higher Heat of Combustion, an...Table 4.2 Stoichiometric Adiabatic Flame Temperature of Various FuelsTable 4.3 Effect of Fuel Type on Otto Fuel–Air CycleTable 4.4 Effect of Equivalence Ratio
5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Valve Lift DataTable 5.2 Representative Valve Timing Angles for Conventional and High Perfor...
6 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Curve‐Fit Parameters for Laminar Flame Speed CorrelationTable 7.2 Turbulent Flame RegimesTable 7.3 Five‐Step Reduced Kinetic Model
7 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Hydrocarbon Emission SourcesTable 8.2 US Passenger Car and Light‐Duty Truck Emission Standards (g/mile)Table 8.3 Low‐Emission Vehicle (LEV) and Ultra‐Low‐Emission Vehicle (ULEV) St...
8 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Specific Heat Curve Fit Coefficients