Internal Combustion Engines. Allan T. Kirkpatrick
Energy of Hydrocarbon FuelsTable 9.3 Octane Number Measurement ConditionsTable 9.4 Knock Characteristics of Single Component FuelsTable 9.5 Cetane Number Measurement Conditions (ASTM D613)Table 9.6 Gasoline Property SpecificationsTable 9.7 Properties of Gasoline FuelsTable 9.8 FTP Regulated Emissions (g/mile) from Industry Average and Reformul...Table 9.9 Thermodynamic Properties of Spark‐Ignition FuelsTable 9.10 Critical Compression Ratio vs. Methane NumberTable 9.11 Property Data for Example 9.1Table 9.12 LPG Fueled Vehicle (3.1 L engine) EmissionsTable 9.13 CNG‐Fueled Vehicles (2.2 L engine) Regulated Emissions (g/mile)Table 9.14 CNG‐Fueled Vehicles Toxic Emissions (mg/mile)Table 9.15 Heavy‐Duty Natural Gas Engine Emission Certification Data (g/bhp‐h...Table 9.16 FTP Toxic Emissions (mg/mile) from Ethanol Fueled VehiclesTable 9.17 Toxic Emissions (mg/mile) from Methanol‐Fueled VehiclesTable 9.18 Comparison of Hydrogen Storage MethodsTable 9.19 Diesel Fuel Specifications (ASTM D975)Table 9.20 European Diesel Fuel Specifications (EN 590)Table 9.21 Centane numbers of hydrocarbon fuelsTable 9.22 Comparison of Thermodynamic Properties of Various Compression Igni...Table 9.23 Biodiesel components
9 Chapter 10Table 10.1 SAE Specifications for Engine OilsTable 10.2 SAE Engine Oil Carbon ContentTable 10.3 Viscosity Parameters for Equation (10.4)Table 10.4 Types of Valve TrainsTable 10.5 Coefficients for Valve Train Friction TermsTable 10.6 Coefficients for Auxiliary Friction TermsTable 10.7 FMEP Component EquationsTable 10.8 SOHC Four‐Cylinder in‐line Engine Parameters for Example 10.4
10 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Energy balance on a medium speed, four‐stroke, turbocharged diesel...Table 11.2 Energy Balance on an Air‐Cooled, Spark Ignition Aircraft EngineTable 11.3 Variation of the Mean Combustion Gas Temperature and Heat Transfer...
11 Chapter 12Table 12.1 FID Characteristic Response
12 2Table B.1 Properties of Air at Atmospheric PressureTable B.2 Physical Properties of Air at Atmospheric Conditions (
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Piston and connecting rod. (Courtesy Mahle, Inc.)Figure 1.2 Automobile engine. (Courtesy Mercedes‐Benz Photo Library.)Figure 1.3 Marine engine. (Courtesy Man B&W Diesel.)Figure 1.4 Four‐stroke spark‐ignition engine.Figure 1.5 A cross‐scavenged two‐stroke cycle.Figure 1.6 Engine slider crank geometry.Figure 1.7 Wide‐open throttle (WOT) performance of an automotive four‐stroke...Figure 1.8 Brake mean effective pressure at WOT versus mean piston speed for...Figure 1.9 Effect of engine speed and intake manifold geometry on volumetric...Figure 1.10 Performance map of bmep and bsfc versus mean piston speed for an...Figure 1.11 Cylinder volume vs. crank angle for
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The Otto cycle (