The Sociology of Identity. Wayne H. Brekhus
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1 Cover
5 Introduction What Is Identity? Cognitive Sociology Meets Symbolic Interactionism: Social Pattern Analysis of Identity Authenticity, Multidimensionality, and Mobility Why Study Identity in Sociology? About the Book
6 1 Sociological Approaches to Identity Symbolic Interactionism Goffman’s Dramaturgy: Identity as Strategic Performance Bourdieu’s Habits and Dispositional Identities Feminist Social Standpoint Theories and Intersectional Analyses Fluid, Fragmented, Flexible, and Depthless Identities: Modernity and Postmodernity Theories Cultural Sociology: Culture and Cognition and Symbolic Moral Boundary Theories Varying Theoretical Traditions, Unifying Themes
7 2 Beyond the Individual: Collective Identities Nations as Identity Communities Ethnic and Racial Category Collective Identities Social Movements as Collective Expressions of Group Agency and Identity Organizational Identities City and Neighborhood Identities Race, Class, Age, Gender, and Sexual Identities of Collective Forms such as Neighborhoods, Professions, and Industries
8 3 Performing Authenticity: Negotiating the Symbolic Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion Self-Authenticity versus Collective Authenticity Doing versus Being: Identity Duration and Authenticity Authenticating National, Ethnic, and Racial Identities Authenticity in Organization and Place Identities
9 4 Multidimensionality, Intersectionality, and Power: Identity and Social Inequalities Intersectionality and Multidimensionality: Challenges to Non-Inclusive Universalization Marked and Unmarked: Accented Stigma, Hidden Privilege, and the Cognitive Politics of Social Identity Deploying Markedness–Unmarkedness and Multidimensionality in Social Interaction Privilege, Identity, and Exclusion: Bullying and the Interactional Reproduction of Social Inequalities Markedness–Unmarkedness and Intersectionality in Regional Identities Globalization, Modernity, and the Multiply Influenced and Networked Character of Contemporary Identities
10 5 Mobility and Fluidity: The Omni-Contextual Nature of Identity Identity Mobility: Identity Currencies and Identity Contexts Identity Commuting: Chameleons, Nocturnal Selves, and Micro-Temporal Identity Movements Temporal and Spatial Bracketing Identity Mobility and Place: Local Identity Cultures and How Places Make Us and How We Make Places Identity and Time: Long-Term Identity Shifts, Migrations, and Transformations Collective Ethnic and Racial Fluidity
11 Conclusion Navigating Authenticities in Relation to Multidimensionality and Mobility Multidimensionality and Fluidity Complicate Group and Place Identities Identity and Marginality: Authenticity, Multidimensionality, and Mobility in Marginality Management Identity and Privilege: Authenticity, Multidimensionality, and Mobility in Privilege Management Identity Play and Provisional Identities: Connecting Mobility with Multidimensionality and Authenticity Key Areas for Future Research in Identity Authenticity, Multidimensionality, and Mobility Analyzing Authenticity, Multidimensionality, and Mobility in Your Own Lives
12 References
13 Index
1 Cover