The Sociology of Identity. Wayne H. Brekhus

The Sociology of Identity - Wayne H. Brekhus

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are symbolic interactionism, Goffman’s dramaturgical sociology, Bourdieu’s theory of dispositional habits, modernity and postmodernity traditions, feminist standpoint theories such as intersectional analyses, and cultural cognitive symbolic boundaries traditions. Introducing these multiple approaches will serve to demonstrate the scope of theoretical research that explores the social and cultural dimensions of identities and to show how these traditions complement one another in painting a picture of the dynamic social character of identities. At the same time, these very traditions constitute a range of approaches that can inform one another and enhance our conceptual and empirical understanding of the sociology of identities. The various approaches presented in chapter 1 can be brought into greater overlap and dialogue with one another to explicate our understanding of social identities as collective, complex, and multidimensional; and the unifying themes of authenticity, multidimensionality, and mobility cut across the variety of traditions.

      Chapter 3 looks at identity boundary work and negotiations of authenticity. Performing and defining the authentication of one’s identity are two of the ways in which we erect boundaries of inclusion and exclusion and boundaries of belonging and not belonging. Analyzing the authenticity of identity across a range of contexts and across different levels of analysis highlights ongoing issues of boundary building and maintenance. The chapter will explore authenticity, authenticity disputes, symbolic belonging, and inclusion and exclusion work across a range of identity contexts, demonstrating that collective and individual performances of authenticity are an important part of identity boundary maintenance and exclusion. Key concepts addressed are identity authenticity, self-authenticity, “false” and “true” selves, group authenticity, negotiating identity, subcultural capital, identity disputes, contested identities, ethnic fraud, and ethnic authenticity.

      The fundamentally social nature of identity means that it is not only complex and multifaceted, as is modern social life itself; it is also fluid and shifting in a multicontextual world. Identity is a multidimensional resource deployed across a plurality of social contexts. In chapter 5 I will look at how multidimensional identities are mobile and transitory across time and space and are deployed as shifting resources by the multifaceted social actor. Identity is mobile and individuals can draw upon context and specific forms of cultural capital, which are valued as identity currencies in some settings and devalued in other settings. The chapter highlights the strategic deployment of identity across time and space, emphasizing the mobile, fluid nature of multiple identities. The previous concepts of identity authenticity and multidimensionality, addressed in chapters 3 and 4, are here understood in relation to the ways in which we use time and space to organize authenticity and multidimensionality. Key concepts discussed here are identity mobility, fluidity, identity currencies, place-based identities, and temporal identities.

      In the conclusion I focus on the relationships between identity authenticity, multidimensionality, and mobility, discuss research that reflects on and elaborates on these relationships, and invite you, the reader, to examine your own identities and the social groups that forge them.

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