Introduction to Energy, Renewable Energy and Electrical Engineering. Ewald F. Fuchs
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Hardback: 9781119448334
Cover Design: Wiley
Cover Image: © Joe Therasakdhi/Shutterstock
This book is based on the author's experience gained in teaching Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECEN) 3030, Circuits for Non‐Majors [1] at the University of Colorado for eight years, as well as the input provided by undergraduate and graduate students, and the second author's research experience at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, whose mission is to foster groundbreaking fundamental science that enables transformational solutions for energy and environment challenges, using interdisciplinary teams and by creating advanced new tools for scientific discovery. The encouragement and support of Dipl.‐Ing. Dietrich J. Roesler, formerly with the US Department of Energy (DOE), Washington, DC, one of the first professionals initiating the research of photovoltaic power plants [2] as part of the mission, is greatly appreciated. The authors wish to express gratitude to wife/mother Wendy L. Fuchs and son/brother Franz S. Fuchs for their help in shaping and proofreading the manuscript. Lastly, the work on numerical field calculation [3] initiated by the late Professor Edward A. Erdelyi is reflected in part of this book by assisting in the visualization of magnetic fields as they occur in electric apparatus.
1 Fuchs E.F. Undergraduate course, ECEN 3030: circuits for non‐majors, Fall 2011. Prerequisites: APPM 2350 Calculus III. University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering. (accessed 11 May 2020).
2 Dugan, R.C., Jewell, W.T., and Roesler, D.J. (1983). Harmonics and reactive power from line‐commutated inverters in proposed photovoltaic subdivision. ID: 6637722, DOE Report Contract Number W‐7405‐ENG‐2 (1 January 1983).
3 Trutt, F.C., Erdelyi, E.A., and Jackson, R.F. (1963). The non‐linear potential equation and its numerical solution for highly saturated electrical machines. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. 1 (2): 430–440.
Ewald F. Fuchs, Professor
Department of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO, USA
Heidi A. Fuchs, Senior Research Associate
Energy Efficiency Standards Group
Energy Technologies Area
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA, USA
This textbook breaks new ground in introducing students and professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines to electric energy associated with renewable resources, energy conservation, and laws of thermodynamics converting heat to mechanical power such as Carnot, Rankine, Brayton, and Ericsson cycles as they apply to internal combustion engines as well as to steam, gas, and oil turbines. It compares the energy content of common fuels, which is important for deciding how energy conservation and CO2 reduction might take place. Next, it discusses various heat pump principles such as water–water, air–water, and air‐conditioning systems; one of these principles is illustrated with yearlong measured data of a single‐family (zero net energy) house where a photovoltaic (PV) plant delivers more energy than heating and cooling the house requires. The coefficient of performance based on combined heating and cooling performance (CHCP) is applied to this zero‐emission house.
For storing the surplus energy of PV and wind power plants, this text shows how pumped‐storage hydroelectricity and either battery or fuel cell storage plants are indispensable in conjunction with reformers changing methane to hydrogen for electric cars, as well as electrolysis for hydrogen generation from water and electric surplus energy. Wind power plants are analyzed based on the Lanchester–Betz–Joukowsky limit. In addition, design data of the abovementioned single‐family house PV plant are explained and evaluated for performance. Further, this book assesses the advantages and disadvantages of AC versus DC transmission/distribution systems, including understanding the nature of electricity and its manufacturing, which are essential for the development of smart power systems. Associated with this manufacturing process are the costs of electricity in renewable energy systems.
In this book, circuit analyses are based on laws of electrical and mechanical engineering properties of electric charges, forces, conductors, insulators, semiconductors, instantaneous voltage, current, power, and work. For the analysis of electric networks, this volume describes Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws as well as Thévenin's and Norton's theorems, nodal analysis, loop and mesh analysis, source exchange or transformation, and Wheatstone and Thomson bridges. The principle of superposition lends itself to complicated linear circuits. Transient DC and steady‐state phasor AC analytic circuit investigations based on hand calculations are compared to linear and nonlinear PSPICE and Mathematica solutions. Also explained are instantaneous and steady‐state power analyses, coupled magnetic circuits including design of permanent magnets, and single‐ and three‐phase transformers, AC frequency characteristics of filters, and trigonometric and complex Fourier analyses. Operational amplifiers are important for control applications, consisting of semiconductor diodes and switches for voltage and current controllers, rectifiers, and inverters. Circuit models of semiconductor diodes including limiters and various switches (e.g. BJT MOSFET, SCR, triac, IGBT, and GTO) are introduced so that they can be readily used for PSPICE solutions.
In addition, this book provides novel applications for uncontrolled and controlled AC–DC converters (rectifiers), AC voltage and current regulators, and DC–AC converters (inverters) to PV and wind power plants and considers the efficiency increase and the resulting power quality problems resulting from these nonlinear components. DC machines and their commutator actions serve as role models for electronic commutation employed for rectifiers and inverters, which are indispensable for the formation of smart power systems. Permanent‐magnet, induction, and synchronous machine variable‐speed and torque drives with high switching frequencies are analyzed as used in electric/hybrid automobiles, wind power plants, and trains, by dealing with flux weakening (FW) and introducing compensation of flux weakening (CFW) at high angular velocities, reducing the need for high battery voltages (e.g. 800 V) in automobiles; in addition, various permanent‐magnet characteristics are relied on for automobile‐drive designs. For the determination of machine parameters, such as linear and nonlinear (operating‐point‐dependent) leakage, mutual, and self‐inductances, magnetic field computation based on finite‐difference (FD) and finite‐element (FE) techniques is reviewed and employed