Introduction to Energy, Renewable Energy and Electrical Engineering. Ewald F. Fuchs
P.6 The breakup of China's southern power grid due to the concentration of high‐voltage DC transmission lines in Guangdong, making the AC grid unstable.
P.2.2 Prerequisites for the Understanding of the Material as Offered in This Book
As a prerequisite to this effort, students must understand the following core competencies based on Applied Mathematics (APPM) 2350 Calculus III:
1 Single‐variable calculus (e.g. differentiation, integration),
2 Functions of several variables,
3 Vectors and vector operations,
4 Curves in space,
5 Multivariable functions,
6 Partial differentiation, multiple integrals,
7 Line integrals, e.g. Stokes' theorem and Gauss' theorem,
8 Complex numbers, complex calculus in Gaussian complex plane.
In summary, the intent of this text is to educate undergraduate students in non‐electrical engineering disciplines, physics, and chemistry as well as professionals in related fields who want to acquaint themselves in electrical engineering as applied to conventional and renewable energy.
1 NOAA (2014). Global climate report – January 2014. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, State of the Climate (published online February 2014). (accessed 31 May 2020).
2 Proxy (Indirect) Measurements. Data source: Reconstruction from ice cores. Credit: NOAA.‐signs/carbon‐dioxide (accessed 31 May 2020).
3 Hansen, J., Sato, M., Kharecha, P. et al. (2008). Target atmospheric CO2: where should humanity aim? Open Atmospheric Science Journal 2: 217–231.
4 Tans, P. and Keeling, R.‐greenhouse‐gases (accessed 31 May 2020).
5 Koningstein, R. and Fork, D. (2014). Energy's creative destruction. IEEE Spectrum (December 2014): 26–31.
6, kst (2017). Kohlekraft muss einspringen Dunkelflaute zeigt Makel des Ökostroms. Foto: picture alliance/dpa. https://www.n‐‐zeigt‐Makel‐des‐Okostroms‐article19691796.html (accessed 31 May 2020).
7 Wetzel, D. (2017). Die “Dunkelflaute“ bringt Deutschlands Stromversorgung ans Limit.‐Dunkelflaute‐bringt‐Deutschlands‐Stromversorgung‐ans‐Limit.html (accessed 31 May 2020).
8 Fuchs, E.F. and Masoum, M.A.S. (2011). Power Conversion of Renewable Energy Systems, 2nd Printing. New York: Springer 692 pp.
9 Masoum, M.A.S. and Fuchs, E.F. (2008). Power Quality in Power Systems and Electrical Machines, 2e. Amsterdam: Academic Press/Elsevier 1123 pp.
10 Fairley, P. (2016). Why Southern China broke up its power grid. IEEE Spectrum (December 2016): 13. 14.
Glossary of Symbols, Abbreviations, and Acronyms
aarmatureaaverage term of Fourier analysisaℓ + 1/2area of quadrilateral (one irregular third) of triangular mesh
Bboron, base, flux density, susceptance, viscous or fluid friction coefficientB(t)magnetic flux density as a function of time
Ccombined, cooling, collector, capacitance, conductance, contour length of integration pathcsubscript for capacitance (c), constant (c) for windage mechanical torquec1coefficient linking Φ11 and i1c2coefficient linking Φ12 and i2ccwcounterclockwiseCAGRcompound annual growth rateCBAphase sequence C, B, AcdcandelaCFLcompact fluorescent light (bulb)CFWcompensation of flux weakeningCHCPcombined heat, cooling, and (electric) powerCHPcombined (thermal) heat and (electric) powerCMRRcommon‐mode rejection ratiocnphase c (c) to neutral (n)CMOScomplementary metal–oxide semiconductorcos θcosine of fundamental power factor angle θ between transformer load voltage and load current, fundamental power factorcos(ΦVp − ΦIp) = cos ΦVp‐Ippower factor due to angles of
ddiode, developed, direct, differentiationDdrain terminal, diode, subscript for determinant D, symbol for denominator, iron stack depthD(jω)denominator of transfer functiondot (•)dot convention/markingdBdecibel: dB (decibel)=20log M(ω)DCdirect currentDFIGdoubly fed induction generatordiffdifferential