Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation. J. C. Das

Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation - J. C. Das

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with extreme pressure and rapid pressure buildup. Consider a person positioned directly in front of an event and high pressure impinging upon his chest and close to the heart and the hazard associated with it.

      The reports of the consequences of arc in air include descriptions of the rearward propulsion of personnel who were close to the arc. In many cases, the affected people do not remember being propelled away from the arc. The heat and molten metal droplet emanation from the arc can cause serious burns to the nearby personnel.

      A substance requires a different amount of physical space when it changes state, say from solid to vaporized particles. When the liquid copper evaporates, it expands 67,000 times. This accounts for the expulsion of vaporized droplets of molten metal from an arc, which is propelled up to distance of 10 ft. It also generates plasma (ionized vapor) outward from the arc for distances proportional to the arc power. One cubic inch of copper vaporizes into 38.8 cubic feet of vapor.

      The air in the arc stream expands in warming up from the ambient temperature to that of an arc, about 20,000 K. This heating is related to the generation of thunder by passage of lightning current through it. In documented instances a motor terminal box exploded as a result of force created by the pressure build-up, parts flying across the room [18]. Pressure measurement of 2160 lbs/ft2 around the chest area and sound level of 165 dB at 2 ft have been made.

      The hot air vapor from the arc starts to cool immediately; however, it combines with the oxygen of the air, thus becoming the oxide of the metal of the arc. These continue to cool and solidify, and become minute particles in the air, appearing as black smoke for copper and iron and gray smoke for aluminum. These are still hot and cling to any surface these touch, actually melting into many insulating surfaces that these may contact. The oxide particles are very difficult to remove because surface rubbing is not effective. Abrasive cleaning is necessary on plastic insulation. A new surface varnish should be applied, or surface current leakage could occur and cause failure within days.

      Persons exposed to severe pressure from proximity of an arc are likely to suffer short-time loss of memory and may not remember the intense explosion of the arc itself. This phenomenon has been found true even for high-level electrical shocks.

      The PPE is currently designed and tested to address the heat energy hazard. The arc-rated FR (fire resistant), including face hood shields window materials, have been observed to provide protection for the molten metal splatter hazard. There have been considerations of pressure-wave hazard [12, 19] and noise hazard [20]. This has resulted in NFPA 70E specifying hearing protection.

      Noise has been monitored with microphones to understand its relationship with arc parameters. The noise results from initial explosive expansion of air and formation of a plasma region between conductors. The noise in single-phase arc events is assumed to behave similarly.

Multilayer Fabric Systems Arc Rating, cal/cm2 Ballistic Layer Fabric System Weight, g/m2 m/s Fragment Diameter, mm
Cotton with flame retardant 100 No 1424 186 5.6
Aramid fabric system 100 No 932 210 5.6
Aramid fabric system 80 Yes 780 280 5.6
Aramid fabric system 100 No 881 191 7.8
Aramid fabric system 100 Yes 922 240 7.8

      Adapted from Reference [20].

      If current limiting fuses are used, which operate in about 1/2 cycle or less, the arcing time is reduced and so also the noise levels—this relation is not so well defined, and additional testing is recommended [20].

      Figure 1.5 shows that noise sound pressure levels can exceed OSHA impulsive or impact noise level of 140 dB peak. Even at 1.8 m level the measured sound levels are well above small arms firing and without hearing protection, some individuals may suffer traumatic damage, including eardrum rupture [13]. A worker will be positioned closer than 1.8 m when working on energized equipment.

      The shrapnel hazard has not been quantified or related to arc-flash parameters, but it is possible to measure shrapnel resistance of arc flash fabric systems and hood shield windows to standardized

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