Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation. J. C. Das

Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation - J. C. Das

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15-kV MCC 36×36×36 152 5-kV switchgear 36×36×36 104 5-kV switchgear 45×30×30 104 5-kV MCC 26×26×26 104 Low voltage switchgear 20×20×20 32 Shallow low voltage MCCs and panel boards 14×12×≤8 25 Deep voltage MCCs and panel boards 14×12×>8 25 Cable junction box 14×12×≤8 or14×12×>8 13



       Ia = arcing current in kA

       G = conductor gap in mm, typical conductor gaps are specified in [9] (see Table 1.5)

       K = −0.153 for open air arcs, −0.097 for arc in a box

       V = system voltage in kV

       Ibf = bolted three-phase fault current kA, rms symmetrical.

      For systems of 1 kV and higher, the following equation is solved:

      This expression is valid for arcs both in open air and in a box. Use 0.85 Ia to find a second arc duration. This second arc duration accounts for variations in the arcing current and the time for the overcurrent device to open. Calculate incident energy using both 0.85 Ia and Ia and use the higher value.

      Incident energy at working distance, an empirically derived equation, is given by:

       En = Incident energy (J/cm2) normalized for time and distance

       K1 = −0.792 for open air and −0.555 for arcs in a box

       K2 = 0 for ungrounded and high resistance grounded systems and −0.113 for grounded systems. Low resistance grounded, high resistance grounded, and ungrounded systems are all considered ungrounded for the purpose of calculation of incident energy.

       G = conductor gap in mm (Table 1.5).

      Conversion from normalized values gives the equation:


       E = incident energy in J/cm2

       Cf = calculation factor = 1.0 for voltages above 1 kV and 1.5 for voltages at or below 1 kV

       t = arcing time in seconds

       D = distance from the arc to the person, working distance (Table 1.6)

       x = distance exponent as given in Reference [9] and reproduced in Table 1.7.

      A theoretically derived equation can be applied for voltages above 15 kV or when the gap is outside the range in Table 1.5 (from Reference [9]).


      Source: IEEE 1584-2018 Guide [9]. © 2002 IEEE. Also see Chapter 3.

Classes of Equipment Working Distance
15-kV switchgear 36
15-kV MCC 36
5-kV switchgear 36
5-kV switchgear 36
5-kV MCC 36
Low voltage switchgear 24
Shallow low voltage MCCs and panel boards 18
Deep voltage MCCs and panel boards 18
Cable junction box 18

      Source: IEEE 1584 Guide [9]. © 2002 IEEE.

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System Voltage, kV Equipment Type Typical Gap between Conductors Distance × Factor
0.208–1 Open air 10–40 2.000
Switchgear 32 1.473
MCC and panels 25 1.641
Cable 13 2.000