Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation. J. C. Das

Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation - J. C. Das

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1.10. Arc Flash Boundary and Incident Energy Release for 30 kA of Bolted Fault Current (Arc Flash Current = 28.58 kA rms) in 13.8-kV Switchgear, 13.8-kV System Resistance Grounded, Working Distance = 36″, Gap = 153 mm

      Source: Reference [17]. © 2012 National Fire Protection Association.

Arc Duration in Seconds Arc Flash Boundary in Inches Energy, cal/cm2
0.058 74
0.5 851 26
1.0 1736 52
1.5 2633 78
2 3539 104

       equipment identification

       the protective device identification that clears the fault.

      The labels can be generated on a variety of media, including plastic weatherproof laminates, and most commercial arc flash analysis program will allow custom designing the labels. A user can choose what goes on the label, including the description of PPE. Even the type fonts can be user selectable.

      In NFPA 70E 2012, equipment labeling has been reworded to reflect Article 110.16 of the NEC. Each label must contain the incident energy at working distance or the arc rating of the required PPE, or the maximum HRC for that type of equipment. Also, arc flash boundary needs to be specified.

      A maximum duration of 2 seconds for the total fault clearance time of an arc flash event is considered, though, in some cases, the fault clearance time can be higher. In IEEE 1584 Guide Annexure B, it is stated that: “if the time is longer than 2 seconds, consider how long a person is likely to remain in the location of the arc-flash. It is likely that a person exposed to arc flash will move away quickly, if it is physically possible and 2 seconds is a reasonable maximum time for calculations. A person in a bucket truck or a person who has crawled into equipment may need more time to move away.”

      For a 30-kA, 2-second fault in 13.8-kV switchgear, the incident energy boundary is 3539 in equal to 295 ft. For 1-second fault duration, it is 144.6 ft. The arc flash boundary at which a worker can be exposed to 1.2 cal/cm2 of incident energy and sustain threshold of second degree burns seems to be very large.

Arc Duration in Seconds Arc Flash Boundary in Inches Incident Energy, cal/cm
0.050 36 3.8
0.5 147 38
1.0 225 75
1.5 288 113
2 343 151
Accident Occurrence Percentage
When the operator or worker is working with equipment doors open 65
When the operator happens to be in front of a closed door and the equipment is not arc resistant 10
When the operator is not present at all, and the equipment is not arc resistant 25

      1.11.1 Arc Flash Hazard with Equipment Doors Closed

      There is some controversy in interpreting the intent of NFPA 70E, whether the arc flash hazard exists at all times, with the equipment door closed, or it exists only when the doors of an energized equipment are opened for maintenance? Let us first consider most common reasons for arc flash accidents:

       human error

       mechanical faults

       failed connections, loose connections, and terminals

       Adverse ambient conditions and pollution. This should consider pollution specific to plant operation, that is, corrosive gases and vapors may be present.


      It is the collective experience of the Technical Committee on Electrical Safety in the Workplaces that normal operation of the enclosed electrical equipment, operating at 600V or less, that has been properly installed and maintained by qualified persons is not likely to expose the employee to an electrical hazard.

      It is also the opinion of the committee that there is little risk in performing normal operations of electrical equipment and devices, such as opening and closing circuit breakers, motor control centers (MCCs), or starters. When the committee states “interacting with equipment in a manner that could cause an arc flash hazard,” it refers to operations,

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