Engineering Acoustics. Malcolm J. Crocker

Engineering Acoustics - Malcolm J. Crocker

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      3.15.2 Noise Reduction

      If we are situated in the reverberant field, we may show from Eq. (3.78) that the noise level reduction, ΔL, achieved by increasing the sound absorption is


      Then A = S images is sometimes known as the absorption area, m2 (sabins). This may be assumed to be the area of perfect absorbing material, m2 (like the area of a perfect open window that absorbs 100% of the sound energy falling on it). If we consider the sound field in a room with a uniform energy density ε created by a sound source that is suddenly stopped, then the sound pressure level in the room will decrease.

      By considering the sound energy radiated into a room by a directional broadband noise source of sound power W, we may sum together the mean squares of the sound pressure contributions caused by the direct and reverberant fields and after taking logarithms obtain the sound pressure level in the room:

      where Qθ,ϕ is the directivity factor of the source (see Section 3.9) and R is the so‐called room constant:



Schematic illustration of the dependence on frequency of bending-wave speed cb on a beam or panel and wave speed in air c. Graph depicts the variation with frequency of bending wavelength lambda-b on a beam or panel and wavelength in air lambda. Schematic illustration describing trace wave matching between waves in air of wavelength lambda and waves in panel of trace wavelength lambda-T. Schematic illustration of the wavelength relations and effective radiating areas for corner, edge, and surface modes. Graph depicts the comparison of theoretical and measured radiation <hr><noindex><a href=Скачать книгу