Engineering Acoustics. Malcolm J. Crocker

Engineering Acoustics - Malcolm J. Crocker

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interest to us because we find that in rooms there are solutions only at certain frequencies. It may be of some importance now to mention both the sinusoidal solution and the equivalent solution using complex notation that is very frequently used in acoustics and vibration theory.

      For a one‐dimensional wave, the simple harmonic solution to the wave equation is

      where k = ω/c = 2πf/c (the wavenumber).

      The equivalent expression to Eq. (3.88) using complex notation is

      from which the wavenumber k is

Schematic illustration of the direction cosines and vector k.

      For the case of rectangular rooms with hard walls, we find that the sound (particle) velocity perpendicular to each wall must be zero. By using these boundary conditions in each of the eight solutions to Eq. (3.87), we find that ω2 = (2πf)2 and k2 in Eqs. (3.91) and (3.92) are restricted to only certain discrete values:




      Then the room natural frequencies are given by

Schematic illustration of the wave vectors for eight propagating waves.

      There are three types of standing waves resulting in three modes of sound wave vibration: axial, tangential, and oblique modes. Axial modes are a result of sound propagation in only one room direction. Tangential modes are caused by sound propagation in two directions in the room and none in the third direction. Oblique modes involve sound propagation in all three directions.

Schematic illustration of standing wave for nx equal to 1, ny equal to 1, and nz equal <hr><noindex><a href=Скачать книгу