Invertebrate Histology. Группа авторов

Invertebrate Histology - Группа авторов

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ciliated funnel/nephrostome (drawings afte...Figure 7.20 Histology of the nephridial duct. (a) Overview of metanephridium...Figure 7.21 Histomorphology of blood vessels. (a) Ventral blood vessel; 600×...Figure 7.22 Coelomocytes. (a) Morphology of coelomocytes after Bouin fixatio...Figure 7.23 Monocystis infection and encapsulation. (a) Monocystis oocytes a...Figure 7.24 Histology of the cerebral and subesophageal ganglia. (a) Longitu...Figure 7.25 Some histologic features of the ventral nerve cord. (a) Overview...Figure 7.26 Overview of male genital organs in segments IX–XI (longitudinal ...Figure 7.27 Testis and spermatogenic phases. (a) Testis in the lobe of semin...Figure 7.28 Sperm reservoir of seminal vesicle and vas deferens. (a) Overvie...Figure 7.29 Seminal receptacle/spermatheca. (a) Seminal receptacle/spermathe...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Gross anatomy. Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) view of therapho...Figure 8.2 Gross anatomy. Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) view of scorpion...Figure 8.3 Mesolense image of unidentified Pseudoscorpion from Peru.Figure 8.4 Gross anatomy. Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) view of ascarid ...Figure 8.5 Dissection of a theraphosid spider (Therophosa stirmi). The proso...Figure 8.6 Dissection of a theraphosid spider (Therophosa stirmi) using a di...Figure 8.7 Dissection of a scorpion (Parabuthus transvaalicus). The prosomal...Figure 8.8 Transverse section of wolf spider cuticle showing a simple epider...Figure 8.9 Transverse section of cuticle of an unspecified arachnid species....Figure 8.10 Prosoma of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). The endost...Figure 8.11 Endosternite of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). Cells...Figure 8.12 Cheliceral muscle in an unspecified wolf spider species. Longitu...Figure 8.13 Skeletal muscle of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). Sk...Figure 8.14 Oral cavity setae of a zebra tarantula (Aphonopelma seemanni). S...Figure 8.15 Esophagus of Asian jungle scorpion (Heterometrus sp.). The esoph...Figure 8.16 Sucking stomach of an Arizona blond tarantula (Aphonopelma chalc...Figure 8.17 Midgut tube of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). The mi...Figure 8.18 Longitudinal section of an unspecified arachnid limb demonstrati...Figure 8.19 Midgut diverticula of birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). T...Figure 8.20 Stercoral sac of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). The ...Figure 8.21 Stercoral sac of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). The ...Figure 8.22 Stercoral sac of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). The ...Figure 8.23 Nephrocytes of a vinegaroon (order Thelyphonida). Nephrocytes ar...Figure 8.24 Malphighian tubule of a zebra tarantula (Aphonopelma seemanni). ...Figure 8.25 Coxae (CX) of two walking legs of a Trinidad chevron tarantula (Figure 8.26 Coxal gland of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). The co...Figure 8.27 Coxal gland of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). The co...Figure 8.28 Coxa of a Trinidad chevron tarantula (Psalmopoeus cambridgei). T...Figure 8.29 Heart of a vinegaroon (order Thelyphonida). Thin ligaments (arro...Figure 8.30 Melanin and hemocytes in the midgut diverticula of a zebra taran...Figure 8.31 Book lungs of an unspecified arachnid. The book lungs (BL) are i...Figure 8.32 Book lungs of a vinegaroon (order Thelyphonida). Thin chitinous ...Figure 8.33 Limb of an unspecified arachnid. The tracheoles occur singly (ar...Figure 8.34 Brain of Asian jungle scorpion (Heterometrus sp.). The supra‐ (a...Figure 8.35 Spermatheca of a zebra tarantula (Aphonopelma seemanni). An inva...Figure 8.36 Ovary of a zebra tarantula (Aphonopelma seemanni). Ovarian folli...Figure 8.37 Uterus and fetuses of Asian jungle scorpion (Heterometrus sp.). ...Figure 8.38 Testes of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). Multiple lo...Figure 8.39 Cross‐section of an opisthosoma of a birdeater tarantula (Therap...Figure 8.40 Longitudinal section of an eye of an orb‐weaver spider (family A...Figure 8.41 Basal segment of fang within an unspecified arachnid species. 20...Figure 8.42 Venom gland of a birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). Subjac...Figure 8.43 Silk glands of a Trinidad chevron tarantula (Psalmopoeus cambrid...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 External photograph of the dorsum of a horseshoe crab, Limulus po...Figure 9.2 External photograph of the ventrum of L. polyphemus. Walking and ...Figure 9.3 External photograph of the ventrum of L. polyphemus. A gill operc...Figure 9.4 Illustrated sagittal section of L. polyphemus. am, arthrodial mem...Figure 9.5 Illustrated ventral dissection approach of L. polyphemus. The ven...Figure 9.6 Body wall of L. polyphemus. The cuticle is organized into a poorl...Figure 9.7 Arthrodial membrane of L. polyphemus. The cuticle is focally thin...Figure 9.8 Epidermis of L. polyphemus. The epidermis is a simple layer of ce...Figure 9.9 Cartilage of L. polyphemus. Numerous lacunae are surrounded by a ...Figure 9.10 Hepatopancreas of L. polyphemus. The majority of the organ is co...Figure 9.11 Collecting tubules of L. polyphemus. Light and dark cells are ar...Figure 9.12 Interstitial cells of L. polyphemus. Large, polygonal, interstit...Figure 9.13 Ventriculus of L. polyphemus. The mucosa is overlain by a thick ...Figure 9.14 Ventriculus of L. polyphemus. Higher magnification of the ventri...Figure 9.15 Intestine of L. polyphemus. A simple mucosa is subtended by rese...Figure 9.16 Coxal gland of L. polyphemus. Zones of the coxal gland are pictu...Figure 9.17 Coxal gland of L. polyphemus. Zones 2–3 of the coxal gland show ...Figure 9.18 Heart of L. polyphemus. The heart has an outer epicardium and an...Figure 9.19 Heart of L. polyphemus. Higher magnification of the heart shows ...Figure 9.20 Artery and nerve of L. polyphemus. Nerve is contained in an arte...Figure 9.21 Vascular sinus of L. polyphemus. Hemolymph is composed of eosino...Figure 9.22 Inflammatory coagulum of L. polyphemus. A central coagulum (aste...Figure 9.23 Book gills of L. polyphemus. The bases of the gills have large m...Figure 9.24 Book gills of L. polyphemus. The gills are composed of two paral...Figure 9.25 Corpora pedunculata of L. polyphemus. Numerous bands of Kenyon c...Figure 9.26 Brain of L. polyphemus. Large neurons occur in clusters and are ...Figure 9.27 Hepatopancreas and ovary of L. polyphemus. Ovarian tissue is adm...Figure 9.28 Ovary of L. polyphemus. Large oocytes, surrounded by a thin memb...Figure 9.29 Testis of L. polyphemus. Multiple seminiferous tubules are pictu...Figure 9.30 Compound eye of L. polyphemus. The cuticle is bowed outward and ...Figure 9.31 Compound eye of L. polyphemus. Four ommatidia are pictured, each...Figure 9.32 Sensilla of L. polyphemus. The cuticle is focally expanded by se...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Schematic of a transverse section of a diplopod with the segment...Figure 10.2 Schematic of a longitudinal section of a myriapod. Br, brain; FG...Figure 10.3 Transverse histologic section of a giant African millipede (Arch...Figure 10.4 Detail of the layers of the cuticle of a giant African millipede...Figure 10.5 Body wall of a giant desert centipede (Scolopendra heros). The e...Figure 10.6 The arthrodial membrane between two tergites in a giant African ...Figure 10.7 The parietal fat body in a giant African millipede (Archispirost...Figure 10.8 Longitudinal and cross‐sections of skeletal muscle fibers (SM) i...Figure 10.9 Head of a giant African millipede (Archispirostreptus gigas) sho...Figure 10.10 Venom gland of giant desert centipede (Scolopendra heros). The ...Figure 10.11 Longitudinal section through the foregut (esophagus) of a giant...Figure 10.12 Cross‐section of the midgut of a giant African millipede (Archi...Figure 10.13 Cross‐section of the hindgut of a giant African millipede (Arch...Figure 10.14 The perivisceral fat body (PvF) of a giant African millipede (A...Figure 10.15 Cross‐sections of Malpighian tubules in a giant African millipe...Figure 10.16 Heart of a giant African millipede (Archispirostreptus gigas). ...Figure 10.17 Hemolymphatic vessel of a giant African millipede (Archispirost...Figure 10.18 Spiracles of a giant African millipede (Archispirostreptus giga...Figure 10.19 Longitudinal section through the cerebral ganglion (brain) of a...Figure 10.20 The ventral nerve cord of a giant African millipede (Archispiro...Figure 10.21 Testes of a giant desert centipede (Scolopendra heros). The tes...Figure 10.22 Ovary and oviduct of a giant African millipede (Archispirostrep...Figure 10.23 Ovary of a giant African millipede (Archispirostreptus gigas). ...Figure 10.24 Corneal lenses of a giant African millipede (Archispirostreptus...Figure 10.25 Eye of a giant desert centipede (Scolopendra heros). The cornea...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Dorsal view of H. americanus. (a) Telson; (b) uropods; (c) somit...Figure 11.2 Ventral view of the mouth parts of H. americanus. Maxillipeds we...Figure 11.3 Second right pereiopod of H. americanus. (a) Epipodite; (b) gill...Figure 11.4 Ventral surface of a male H. americanus. (a) Gonadopore; (b) mod...Figure 11.5 Ventral surface of a female H. americanus. (a)

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