Invertebrate Histology. Группа авторов

Invertebrate Histology - Группа авторов

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cut through the seminal receptacle. (a) Receptacle pouc...Figure 11.7 Lateral view of trichobranchiate gills of a H. americanus with b...Figure 11.8 Line drawings of three types of decopod crustacean gills.(a)...Figure 11.9 Ventral surface of Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Japanese shore crab)....Figure 11.10 Ventral surface of hard carapace showing chromatophores (arrowsFigure 11.11 Dissection of male H. americanus. (a) Cardiac stomach; (b) pylo...Figure 11.12 Dissection of a female H. americanus. (a) Hepatopancreas; (b) o...Figure 11.13 Dorsally opened stomach of H. americanus. (a) Uncalcified gastr...Figure 11.14 Dissection of a female H. americanus. Dorsally opened stomach. ...Figure 11.15 Line drawing of the dissected neural cord of H. americanus....Figure 11.16 Junction of the hard and soft carapace of H. americanus. (a) Ar...Figure 11.17 Histology of the carapace of a lobster in C4/Do phase of develo...Figure 11.18 Histology of a tegmental gland of H. americanus. (a) Pyramidal ...Figure 11.19 Histology of the stomach of a lobster. (a) Esophagus; (b) cardi...Figure 11.20 Histology of the plyloric stomach of a crayfish. (a) Dorsal cha...Figure 11.21 Histology of the hepatopancreas of a crayfish. Blind‐ended dige...Figure 11.22 Histology of the midgut of H. americanus. (a) Circular muscle; ...Figure 11.23 Histology of the hindgut of H. americanus. (a) Chitin lining th...Figure 11.24 Histology of the blind end of a hepatopancreatic tubule. E–E ce...Figure 11.25 Histology of a proximal part of a hepatopancreatic tubule of a ...Figure 11.26 Histology of the heart of a crayfish. (a) Adventitia; (b) stria...Figure 11.27 Histology of a medium‐sized artery. (a) Internal intima (basal ...Figure 11.28 Hemocyte types adjacent to the internal intima of the dorsal po...Figure 11.29 Encapsulation (decapod granuloma). (a) Central melanization (up...Figure 11.30 Histology of a focus of hematopoietic tissue surrounding a smal...Figure 11.31 Histology of the kidney (green gland) of a crayfish. (a) Coelom...Figure 11.32 Line drawing of the hemolymph circulation in an outer filament ...Figure 11.33 Histology of a cross‐section of an outer gill filament of a cra...Figure 11.34 Line drawing of the filaments of Janus novaehollandiae (rock lo...Figure 11.35 Histology of a cross‐section of a middle gill filament of H. am...Figure 11.36 Line drawing of a phyllobranchiate gill lamellae of a crab (Car...Figure 11.37 Photomicrograph of a thoracic ganglia. (a) Ganglia; (b) nerve; ...Figure 11.38 Histology of a large nerve. (a) Small arteriole; (b) neural she...Figure 11.39 Histology of the ovary of a crayfish. (a) Connective tissue cap...Figure 11.40 Histology of the seminal receptacle of H. americanus. (a) Chiti...Figure 11.41 Testis of H. americanus. (a) Spermatogonia; (b) spermatids; (c)...Figure 11.42 Vas deferens containing a developing spermatophore. (a) Spermat...Figure 11.43 Line drawing of decapod ommatidia.(a) Cornea; (b) corneagen...Figure 11.44 Histology of a sagittal section through the eye of a crayfish i...Figure 11.45 Line drawing of the rhabdom of the compound eye of crayfish (Pr...Figure 11.46 Histology of a sagittal section through the eye and eyestalk of...Figure 11.47 Histology of the polygonal cells of the mandibular organ (arrow...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Sagittal section of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). Scale bar, 1.0 ...Figures 12.2–12.4 Transverse sections of the head of a honeybee (Apis mellif...Figure 12.5 Body wall of a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar). The bo...Figure 12.6 Sagittal section of a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar)....Figure 12.7 Body wall of a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar). Higher...Figure 12.8 Body wall of a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar) with ep...Figure 12.9 Skeletal muscle of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). The skeletal mus...Figure 12.10 Forewing of a beetle (unspecified species). The wing is compose...Figure 12.11 Transverse section of the head of a honeybee (Apis mellifera) a...Figure 12.12 Hypopharyngeal glands in a worker honeybee (Apis mellifera). 40...Figure 12.13 Junction of the crop (C), proventriculus (P), and ventriculus (...Figure 12.14 Proventriculus of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). The cuticular li...Figure 12.15 Foregut of a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar). The lum...Figure 12.16 Midgut (ventriculus) of a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dis...Figure 12.17 Ventricular mucosa of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). EC, epitheli...Figure 12.18 Hindgut of a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar). The lum...Figure 12.19 Fat body of a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar). The fa...Figure 12.20 Malpighian tubules of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). The tubules ...Figure 12.21 Heart of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). The heart is a tubular or...Figure 12.22 Tracheae (T) in the superficial aspect of the hemoceolom of a g...Figure 12.23 Tracheoles in a gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar). Trac...Figure 12.24 Transverse section of a ventral nerve cord of a gypsy moth cate...Figure 12.25 Longitudinal section of a ventral nerve cord of a gypsy moth ca...Figure 12.26 Section through the head of a carpenter ant (Camponotus sp.). T...Figure 12.27 Longitudinal section of the abdomen of a mated honeybee queen. ...Figure 12.28 Photomicrograph of a coronal section of a newly emerged honeybe...Figure 12.29 Transverse section of the head of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). ...Figure 12.30 Section through an ocellus in a honeybee (Apis mellifera). The ...Figure 12.31 Section through a compound eye in a honeybee (Apis mellifera). ...Figure 12.32 Sensilla of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). 2×. HE. Inset, 30×.Figure 12.33 Venom sac of a honeybee (Apis mellifera). The venom sac is line...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

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      1  iii

      2  vii

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