Foundations of Quantum Field Theory. Klaus D Rothe
one can always catch up with it and ultrapass it, so that the particle appears moving “backwards”, while continuing to be polarized in the original direction. With a zero mass particle you can never catch up since it is moving at the speed of light.
As the last argument above shows, the m = 0 case has to be treated separately, and cannot be obtained as the zero-mass limit of massive case discussed so far, which was based on the existence of a rest frame of the particle. According to our discussion in the chapter on Lorentz transformations, zero-mass 1-particle states indeed transform quite differently from the massive ones.
In the zero mass case, the Dirac equations for the U and V spinors reduce to one and the same equation:
Let us define the “spin” operator
In terms of the Gamma matrices (Dirac or Weyl basis) this operator reads
The Dirac equation may then be written in the form
The helicity operator (4.56) commutes with the free Dirac Hamiltonian. The same applies to γ5, if the mass of the particle is zero. Since furthermore
we may classify the eigenstates of the zero-mass Dirac Hamiltonian according to their helicity and chirality, the latter being defined as the corresponding eigenvalue ±1 of γ5. Such states are obtained from the solutions U to the Dirac equation with the aid of the projection operator
We have
Recalling that in the Weyl representation
we have
The eigenvalue of γ5 thus coincides with twice the eigenvalue of the helicity operator: particles of positive (negative) chirality, carry helicity +1/2(−1/2).
Solution of Weyl equations
Experiment shows that neutrinos (antineutrinos) only occur with negative (positive) helicity. One thus refers to
where the spin projection now refers to helicity. The Weyl equations thus reduce to solving the eigenvalue problems
For the momentum pointing in the z-direction, the eigenvalue problems are solved by
This determines θ as a function of |
We now rotate the vector pμ thus obtained in the desired direction of the final vector pμ with the rotation matrix
The result is
Similarly we have
The fields (4.57) and (4.58) now take the form
In this form, the Fourier decomposition resembles closely that of a massive field except for the fact that in the massless case U = V. Alternatively we have using (4.61) and (4.62),
where we have chosen κ = m.
4.5Majorana fermions
So far we have considered the Dirac representation, particularly suited for discussing the non-relativistic limit as we shall see, and the Weyl