A Book of Discovery. M. B. Synge

A Book of Discovery - M. B. Synge

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From an old Woodcut. Anthony Jenkinson's Map of Russia, Muscovy, and Tartary Published in 1562. Greenlanders as seen by Martin Frobisher From Captain BESTE'S Account of Frobisher's Voyages, 1578. Sir Francis Drake From HOLLAND'S Heroologia, 1620. The Silver Map of the World From Medallion in British Museum. The Silver Map of the World From Medallion in British Museum. The Golden Hind at New Albion From the Chart of Drake's Voyages. The Golden Hind at Java From the Chart of Drake's Voyages. An Eskimo From a Water-colour Drawing by JOHN WHITE, about 1585. A Ship of the late 16th century From Ortelius, 1598. Nova Zembla and the Arctic Regions From a Map in DE BRY'S Grands Voyages, 1598. Barents in the Arctic—"Hut wherein we wintered" From DE VEER'S Account of the Voyages of Barents, 1598. Hudson's Map of his Voyages in the Arctic From his Book published in 1612. A Ship of Hudson's Fleet From his Voyages, 1612. Baffin's Map of his Voyages to the North From original MS., drawn by BAFFIN, in the British Museum. Sir Walter Raleigh Raleigh's Map of Guinea, El Dorado, and the Orinoco Coast From the original Map, drawn by RALEIGH, in British Museum. The first Settlement at Quebec From CHAMPLAIN'S Voyages, 1613. The Defeat of the Iroquois by Champlain From a Drawing in CHAMPLAIN'S Voyages, 1613. An early Map of "Terra Australis" called "Java la Grande" From the "Dauphin" Map of 1546. The Wreck of Captain Pelsart's Ship, the Batavia, on the Coast of New Holland From the Dutch account of PELSART'S Voyages, 1647. Van Diemen's Land and two of Tasman's Ships From the Map drawn by TASMAN in his "Journal." Dampier's Ship, the Cygnet From a Drawing in the Dutch edition of his Voyage Round the World, 1698. Dampier's Strait and the Island of New Britain From a Map in DAMPIER'S Voyages, 1697. Chart of Behring's Voyage from Kamtchatka to North America From a Chart drawn in 1741 by Lieut. WAXELL. The Island of Otaheite, or St. George From a Painting by WILLIAM HODGES. A Maori Fort on the Coast between Poverty Bay and Cape Turnagain From an Engraving in the Atlas to COOK'S first Voyage.
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