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Captain Cook's Vessel beached at the Entrance of Endeavour River
From an Engraving in the Atlas to COOK'S first Voyage.
Captain James Cook
From the Painting by DANCE in the Gallery of Greenwich Hospital.
Port Jackson and Sydney Cove
From the Atlas to the Voyage de l'Astrolabe.
A Nile Boat, or Canja
From BRUCE'S Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile.
An Arab Sheikh
From BRUCE'S Travels.
The Camp of Ali, the Mohammedan Chief, at Benown
From a Sketch by MUNGO PARK.
Kamalia, a Native Village near the Southern Course of the Niger
From a Sketch by MUNGO PARK.
A Native Woman washing Gold in Senegal
From a Sketch by MUNGO PARK, made on his last expedition.
Vancouver's Ship, the Discovery, on the Rocks in Queen Charlotte's Sound
From a Drawing in VANCOUVER'S Voyage, 1798.
Parry's Ships, the Hecla and Griper, in Winter Harbour
From a Drawing in PARRY'S Voyage for the North-West Passage, 1821.
The North Shore of Lancaster Sound
From a Drawing in PARRY'S Voyage for the North-West Passage, 1821.
A Winter View of Fort Enterprise
From a Drawing, by WILLIAM BACK, in Franklin's Journey to the Polar Sea, 1823.
Franklin's Expedition to the Polar Sea on the Ice
From a Drawing, by WILLIAM BACK, in Franklin's Journey to the Polar Sea, 1823.
An Eskimo watching a Seal Hole
From a Drawing in PARRY'S Second Voyage for a North-West Passage, 1824.
Fort Franklin, on the Great Bear Lake, in the Winter
From a Drawing in FRANKLIN'S Second Expedition to the Polar Sea, 1828.
Franklin's Expedition crossing Back's Inlet
From a Drawing, by Lieut. BACK, in Franklin's Second Expedition to the Polar Sea, 1828.
The Boats of Parry's Expedition hauled up on the Ice for the Night
From a Drawing in PARRY'S Attempt to Reach the North Pole, 1828.
Major Denham and his Party received by the Sheikh of Bornu
From a Drawing by Major DENHAM.
The first European Picture of Timbuktu
From a Drawing in CAILLÉ'S Tomboctou, 1829.
Richard and John Lander paddling down the Niger
From a Drawing in the account of LANDER'S Travels, 1835.
The Rosses on their Journey to the North Magnetic Pole
From a Drawing in ROSS'S Second Voyage for a North-West Passage, 1835.
"Somerset House," Ross's Winter Quarters on Fury Beach
From a Drawing in ROSS'S Second Voyage for a North-West Passage, 1835.
Matthew Flinders
Cape Catastrophe
From FLINDERS' Voyages.
The Huts of the Crew of the Porpoise on the Sandbank, Wreck Reef
From FLINDERS' Voyages.
Captain Sturt at the Junction of the Rivers Darling and Murray
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