Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources. Rev. James Wood

Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources - Rev. James Wood

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      Haste and rashness are storms and tempests, 5 breaking and wrecking business; but nimbleness is a full, fair wind, blowing it with speed to the haven. Fuller.

      Haste is of the devil. Koran.

      Haste makes waste, and waste makes want, and want makes strife between the gudeman and the gudewife. Sc. Pr.

      Haste trips up its own heels, fetters and stops itself. Sen.

      Haste turns usually on a matter of ten minutes too late. Bovee.

      Hasty resolutions seldom speed well. Pr. 10

      Hat man die Liebe durchgeliebt / Fängt man die Freundschaft an—After love friendship (lit. when we have lived through love we begin friendship). Heine.

      Hate injures no one; it is contempt that casts men down. Goethe.

      Hate makes us vehement partisans, but love still more so. Goethe.

      Hâtez-vous lentement, et sans perdre courage—Leisurely, and don't lose heart. Fr.

      Hath fortune dealt thee ill cards? Let wisdom 15 make thee a good gamester. Quarles.

      Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall not we revenge? Mer. of Venice, iii. 1.

      Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time; hatred ceases by love. Buddha.

      Hatred is a heavy burden. It sinks the heart deep in the breast, and lies like a tombstone on all joys. Goethe.

      Hatred is active, and envy passive, disgust; there is but one step from envy to hate. Goethe.

      Hatred is but an inverse love. Carlyle. 20

      Hatred is keener than friendship, less keen than love. Vauvenargues.

      Hatred is like fire; it makes even light rubbish deadly. George Eliot.

      "Hätte ich gewusst," ist ein armer Mann—"If I had known," is a poor man. Ger. Pr.

      Haud æquum facit, / Qui quod didicit, id dediscit—He does not do right who unlearns what he has learnt. Plaut.

      Haud facile emergunt quorum virtutibus obstat 25 / Res angusta domi—Not easily do those attain to distinction whose abilities are cramped by domestic poverty. Juv.

      Haud ignara ac non incauta futuri—Neither ignorant nor inconsiderate of the future. Hor.

      Haud ignara mali miseris succurrere disco—Not unfamiliar with misfortune myself, I have learned to succour the wretched. Virg.

      Haud passibus æquis—With unequal steps. Virg.

      Haut et bon—Great and good. M.

      Haut goût—High flavour. Fr. 30

      Have a care o' the main chance. Butler.

      Have a spécialité, a work in which you are at home. Spurgeon.

      Have any deepest scientific individuals yet dived down to the foundations of the universe and gauged everything there? Did the Maker take them into His counsel, that they read His ground-plan of the incomprehensible All, and can say, This stands marked therein, and no more than this? Alas! not in any wise. Carlyle.

      Have I a religion, have I a country, have I a love, that I am ready to die for? are the first trial questions to itself of a true soul. Ruskin.

      Have I in conquest stretched mine arm so far / 35 To be afeard to tell gray-beards the truth? Jul. Cæs., ii. 2.

      Have I not earn'd my cake in baking of it? Tennyson.

      Have more than thou showest; / Speak less than thou knowest; / Lend less than thou owest; / Learn more than thou trowest; / Set less than thou throwest. King Lear, i. 4.

      Have not all nations conceived their God as omnipresent and eternal, as existing in a universal Here, an everlasting Now? Carlyle.

      Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain. Pr.

      Have the French for friends, but not for neighbours. 40 Pr.

      Have you found your life distasteful? / My life did, and does, smack sweet. / Was your youth of pleasure wasteful? / Mine I saved and hold complete. / Do your joys with age diminish? / When mine fail me, I'll complain. / Must in death your daylight finish? / My sun sets to rise again. Browning.

      Have you known how to compose your manners, you have achieved a great deal more than he who has composed books. Have you known how to attain repose, you have achieved more than he who has taken cities and subdued empires. Montaigne.

      Have you not heard it said full oft, / A woman's nay doth stand for nought? Shakespeare.

      Have you prayed to-night, Desdemona? Othello, v. 2.

      Having food and raiment, let us be therewith 45 content. St. Paul.

      Having is having, come whence it may. Ger. Pr.

      Having is in no case the fruit of lusting, but of living. Ed.

      Having sown the seed of secrecy, it should be properly guarded and not in the least broken; for being broken, it will not prosper. Hitopadesa.

      Having waste ground enough, / Shall we desire to raze the sanctuary / And pitch our evils there? Meas. for Meas., ii. 2.

      Hay buena cuenta, y no paresca blanca—The account is all right, but the money-bags are empty. Sp. Pr.

      He alone has energy that cannot be deprived of it. Lavater.

      He alone is happy, and he is truly so, who can say, "Welcome life, whatever it brings! welcome death, whatever it is!" Bolingbroke.

      He alone is worthy of respect who knows what is of use to himself and others, and who labours to control his self-will. Goethe.

      He also that is slothful in his work is brother 5 to him that is a great waster. Bible.

      He always wins who sides with God. Faber.

      He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. Bible.

      He behoves to have meat enou' that sal stop ilka man's mou'. Sc. Pr.

      He best restrains anger who remembers God's eye is upon him. Plato.

      He buys very dear who begs. Port. Pr. 10

      He by whom the geese were formed white, parrots stained green, and peacocks painted of various hues—even He will provide for their support. Hitopadesa.

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