Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources. Rev. James Wood
that blows the coals in quarrels he has 20 nothing to do with, has no right to complain if the sparks fly in his face. Ben. Franklin.
He that boasts of his ancestors confesses that he has no virtue of his own. Charron.
He that builds by the wayside has many masters. Pr.
He that buyeth magistracy must sell justice. Pr.
He that buys what he does not want, must often sell what he does want. Pr.
He that, by often arguing against his own 25 sense, imposes falsehoods on others, is not far from believing them himself. Locke.
He that by the plough would thrive, / Himself must either hold or drive. Pr.
He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor. Bible.
He that can be patient has his foe at his feet. Dut. Pr.
He that can be won with a feather will be lost with a straw. Pr.
He that can conceal his joys is greater than he 30 who can hide his griefs. Lavater.
He that can define, he that can answer a question so as to admit of no further answer, is the best man. Emerson.
He that can discriminate is the father of his father. The Vedas.
He that can endure / To follow with allegiance a fall'n lord, / Does conquer him that did his master conquer, / And earns a place i' the story. Ant. and Cleop., iii. 11.
He that can heroically endure adversity will bear prosperity with equal greatness of soul; for the mind that cannot be dejected by the former is not likely to be transported by the latter. Fielding.
He that can write a true book to persuade 35 England, is not he the bishop and archbishop, the primate of England and of all England? Carlyle.
He that cannot be the servant of many will never be master, true guide, and deliverer of many. Carlyle.
He that cannot keep his mind to himself cannot practise any considerable thing whatever. Carlyle.
He that cannot pay in purse must pay in person. Pr.
He that ceases to be a friend never was a good one. Pr.
He that claims, either in himself or for another, 40 the honours of perfection will surely injure the reputation which he designs to assist. Johnson.
He that climbs the tall tree has won a right to the fruit: / He that leaps the wide gulf should prevail in his suit. Scott.
He that comes unca'd (uninvited) sits unsair'd (unserved). Sc. Pr.
He that cometh to seek after knowledge with a mind to scorn and censure, shall be sure to find matter for his humour, but none for his instruction. Bacon.
He that complies against his will, / is of the same opinion still. Butler.
He that conquers himself conquers an enemy. 45 Gael. Pr.
He that cuts himself wilfully deserves no salve. Pr.
He that defers his charity until he is dead is, if a man weighs it rightly, rather liberal of another man's goods than his own. Bacon.
He that descends not to word it with a shrew does worse than beat her. L'Estrange.
He that deserves nothing should be content with anything. Pr.
He that dies, pays all debts. Tempest, iii. 2. 50
He that does a base thing in zeal for his friend burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together. Jeremy Taylor.
He that does not knot his thread will lose his first stitch. Gael.
He that does not know those things which are of use and necessity for him to know, is but an ignorant man, whatever he may know besides. Tillotson.
He that does what he can, does what he ought. Pr.
He that does you a very ill turn will never forgive you. Pr.
He that doeth evil hateth the light. Jesus. 5
He that doeth truth cometh to the light. St. John.
He that doth not plough at home won't plough abroad. Gael. Pr.
He that doth the ravens feed, / Yea, providently caters for the sparrow, / Be comfort to my age. As You Like It, ii. 3.
He that eats longest lives longest. Pr.
He that endureth is not overcome. Pr. 10
He that, ever following her (Duty's) commands, / On with toil of heart and knees and hands, / Thro' the long gorge to the far light has won / His path upward, and prevail'd, / Shall find the toppling crags of Duty scaled, / Are close upon the shining tablelands / To which our God Himself is moon and sun. Tennyson.
He that falls into sin, is a man; that grieves at it, is a saint; that boasteth of it, is a devil; yet some glory in that shame, counting the stains of sin the best complexion of their souls. Fuller.
He that feareth is not made perfect in love. St. John.
He that fights and runs away / May live to fight another day. Goldsmith.
He that filches from me my good name / Robs 15 me of that which not enriches him, / And makes me poor indeed. Othello, iii. 3.
He that finds something before it is lost will die before he falls ill. Dut. Pr.
He that flees not will be fled from. Gael. Pr.
He that gallops his horse on Blackstone edge / May chance to catch a fall. Old song.
He that gets gear (wealth) before he gets wit, is but a short time master o' it. Sc. Pr.
He that gets patience, and the blessing which / 20 Preachers conclude with, hath not lost his pains. George Herbert.
He that gives to the poor lends to the Lord. Pr.
He that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing. Pr.
He that goes softly goes safely. Pr.
He that grasps at too much holds nothing fast. Pr.
He that has a head of wax should not walk in 25 the sun. Pr.
He that has a head will not want a hat. It. Pr.
He that has a wife has a master. Sc. Pr.
He that has ae sheep in a flock will like a' the lave (rest) better for 't. Sc. Pr.
He that has an ill wife likes to eat butter (but her, i.e. without her). Sc. Pr.