A Manual of Philippine Birds. Richard C. McGregor
lower throat and chest ashy fulvous with a few narrow streaks and lines of blackish; flanks slightly washed with brown; on under tail-coverts a few narrow mesial shaft-streaks of blackish.
“Young birds.—Much more rufous on upper surface even than the breeding plumage; back much blacker than in any other age of the bird, intermixed with a great deal of rufous, and distinguished by the conspicuous whitish edgings to the dorsal feathers, scapulars, and inner secondaries; wing-coverts with broad margins of sandy rufous, and longitudinal black centers; chin white; breast and abdomen white, sometimes with a slight tinge of buff; the lower throat, fore neck, and sides of breast sandy rufous; fore neck and chest more ashy and uniform, so that the black shaft-streaks are confined to the lower throat; those on the sides of neck and sides of breast being a little broader.” (Sharpe.)
A rare winter visitant to the Philippine Islands.
Genus EROLIA Vieillot, 1816.
Bill long and slender, very slightly decurved and slightly expanded at tip; culmen greater than tarsus, the latter longer than middle toe with claw.
118. EROLIA FERRUGINEA (Brünnich).
Tringa ferruginea Brünnich, Orn. Bor. (1764), 53.
Scolopax subarquata Güldenstädt, Nov. Comm. Petrop. (1774), 19, 471.
Ancylochilus subarquatus Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. (1896), 24, 586; Hand-List (1899), 1, 164; McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 28.
Tringa subarquata Blanford, Fauna Brit. Ind. Bds. (1898), 4, 278, fig. 64 (head).
Erolia ferruginea A. O. U. Committee, Auk (1903), 20, 337.
Cebu (Bourns & Worcester, McGregor); Luzon (Whitehead, Celestino); Negros (Bourns & Worcester). Northern Siberia, south in winter to Africa, Indian Peninsula, and Australia.
“Adult male in breeding plumage.—Above deep bay or dark cinnamon-rufous; varied with whitish edges to feathers, which are mottled with black centers, taking the form of stripes on head and back, and of cross-bars on scapulars; lower back dull ashy brown, with whitish edges; sides of lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts white, the latter tinged with rufous, and showing a few black bars; wing-coverts brown, with whitish edgings, greater series tipped with white, forming a wing-bar; some of the coverts rufous like the back, and some of the inner secondaries also rufous on their edges; primary-coverts and quills darker brown, the latter with white tips, primaries dark brown with white shafts; secondaries fringed with white, more broadly on the shorter ones, which are white at base of inner webs; tail-feathers ashy brown, with white fringes and white shafts; head like the back, but showing less distinct blackish centers to the feathers; hind neck distinctly hoary, owing to the gray edgings of feathers; sides of face and under surface rich vinous-chestnut; with more or less distinct remains of hoary margins; vent and under tail-coverts white, the latter tinged with rufous, and having a few black bars; sides of body and flanks pure white, the latter with a few black bars; under wing-coverts and axillars pure white; lower primary-coverts and upper surface of quills light ashy. Bill and feet black; iris hazel. Length, 188; culmen, 34; wing, 135; tail, 48; tarsus, 29; middle toe with claw, 25.
“Adult female in summer plumage.—Like the male but not so richly colored, tint of the under surface duller chestnut, and not so vinous. Length, 178; culmen, 35; wing, 124; tail, 46; tarsus, 29; middle toe with claw, 25.
“Adult in winter plumage.—Ashy brown above, slightly mottled with darker centers to the feathers; wing-coverts like the back; quills as in the summer plumage; rump and upper tail-coverts pure white; tail-feathers ashy brown, fringed with white, with white shafts, and a subterminal bar of dusky blackish, the inner webs having a good deal of white at the base; lores dusky, with a supra-loral streak of white; under surface of body pure white, with tiny lines of dusky brown on the sides of face, sides of neck, lower throat, and fore neck.
“Young in first autumn plumage.—Similar in general color to the winter plumage of the adult, and distinguished by the absence of rufous color in the plumage of the upper surface; on the under surface the streaks on the fore neck are almost obsolete, and a fulvescent shade overspreads fore neck and chest, in some specimens even extending to the breast itself. On the upper surface it is very similar to the winter plumage of the adult, but has always more distinct pale edgings to the feathers, these being gradually fulvescent, while the mantle is decidedly darker, being blackish, with pale margins to the feathers.” (Sharpe.)
So far as known this species is a rare winter visitant to the Philippine Islands.
Genus TRINGA Linnæus, 1758.
Bill straight, culmen longer than tarsus, the latter exceeding middle toe with claw; wing long and pointed, when folded reaching the tip of tail, the latter nearly square. Pisobia is somewhat similar to this genus but has a much shorter bill and the species are much smaller.
119. TRINGA CRASSIROSTRIS Temminck and Schlegel.
Tringa crassirostris Temminck and Schlegel, Fauna Japonica (1847), 107, pl. 64; Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. (1896), 24, 600; Hand-List (1899), 1, 164; Blanford, Fauna Brit. Ind. Bds. (1898), 4, 277; McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 28.
Mindanao? (Mearns); Negros (Steere, Bourns & Worcester). Eastern Siberia and Japan; in winter China to Australia and western Indian Peninsula.
“Adult in winter plumage.—Similar to the winter plumage of T. canutus, being ashy gray above and white below, but easily distinguished by the longer bill and pure white upper tail-coverts; the dusky spots on chest and sides of body smaller and much more distinct.
“Young.—Similar to the adult winter plumage but blacker, with conspicuous white margins to the feathers of the upper surface; rump and upper tail-coverts spotted with black, but not barred with dusky as in T. canutus; head like the back, black with white edges to the feathers, but scarcely any trace of a white eyebrow, the lores and sides of face being thickly spotted with black; throat white, unspotted; lower throat and fore neck light brown, mottled with black spots; upper breast and sides of body also plentifully spotted with black, the spots on the sides of the body being large and often arrow-shaped; axillars white, with marblings of pale ashy gray.
“Adult male in breeding plumage.—Does not differ from the winter plumage to the same extent as in T. canutus; upper surface only slightly suffused with rufous; scapulars and inner secondaries more or less bright chestnut with black subterminal bars; under surface white; throat thickly streaked and fore neck so closely barred as to become almost black, these black bars extending on to breast and along the sides of body; the under tail-coverts spotted with black. ‘Bill brown; feet gray; iris dark brown.’ (Taczanowski.) Length, 267; culmen, 41; wing, 175; tail, 63; tarsus, 33.
“Adult female in breeding plumage.—Similar to the male, but with less rufous. Length, 267; culmen, 43; wing, 190; tail, 67; tarsus, 33.” (Sharpe.)
“Coloration in winter.—Upper parts light brownish gray, with black shaft-stripes which are broadest on the crown; sides of head and neck whitish, with dark streaks, supercilia and cheeks paler; wing-coverts with pale edges, greater coverts with white tips; alula, primary-coverts, and primaries blackish brown; secondaries brownish gray like back, but with white borders outside and at the end; lower back and rump dark brown, with white edges to the feathers; upper tail-coverts the same, but the white borders are much wider, the white sometimes occupying the greater part or the whole of the feathers; tail ashy brown; lower plumage white, fore neck and upper breast streaked or spotted with dark brown.
“In summer the plumage is blackish above, with whitish edges to the feathers,